New to water glassing

Nov 7, 2021
Lyric's World
Look at this particular batch . .. cloudy with flecks of stuff (the lime perhaps). At this point we have one 5-gallon bucket full; this container, an old ice cream container full, and I think one other. I kinda don't want to do more. I'd rather give away to friends until next winter and we see how these work out. Perhaps we shouldn't wait until next winter to eat and see. Hmmm, :idunno.


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I did some waterglassing last fall/winter. About 48 eggs. I used pickling lime; the canning section of the store had it in August. 1 bag will last a long time.

The lime seemed to come out of solution. The first time I added some more eggs to the ones in the bucket, I thought the lime had bleached the brown eggs white. Nope, it was just lime sitting on the eggs. Even when I gently stirred it, the next time I looked, it had happened again.

At first, the eggs behaved "normally," ie, the yolks didn't break. About December (3 months in), the yolks broke every time. DH likes his eggs over easy, so that didn't work for him, and he got store bought eggs. I like mine scrambled, so no problem.

At the end, February, I think, they seemed a bit "runnier" and more bland tasting.

Will I do it again? Yup. And more of them too, so if my pullets aren't laying, I only have to buy eggs for DH.
I did over 120 eggs last fall in a 5-gallon bucket. I used them all winter and most were just fine. I did find that if some had thin shells or a crack that I didn't notice when I put them in they got really watery with a weird but not bad smell. Probably from the lime leaching in.

The further down in the bucket I got there were more cracked eggs and more with that funny smell. I wonder if it was because the bucket was too big and the weight of the top eggs on the bottom was too much? IDK but I think I will use a smaller container this year if my ducks ever start laying again!
I did some waterglassing last fall/winter. About 48 eggs. I used pickling lime; the canning section of the store had it in August. 1 bag will last a long time.

The lime seemed to come out of solution. The first time I added some more eggs to the ones in the bucket, I thought the lime had bleached the brown eggs white. Nope, it was just lime sitting on the eggs. Even when I gently stirred it, the next time I looked, it had happened again.

At first, the eggs behaved "normally," ie, the yolks didn't break. About December (3 months in), the yolks broke every time. DH likes his eggs over easy, so that didn't work for him, and he got store bought eggs. I like mine scrambled, so no problem.

At the end, February, I think, they seemed a bit "runnier" and more bland tasting.

Will I do it again? Yup. And more of them too, so if my pullets aren't laying, I only have to buy eggs for DH.
Exactly what happened to mine at the end. The yolks would break when I cracked the shells.
Is there anything that can be added for yolks not breaking. My husband likes fried eggs eggs sunny side up, so it would be great to find the solution.
the eggs behaved "normally," ie, the yolks didn't break. About December (3 months in), the yolks broke every time.
I've been thinking about this method and still am.. interestingly enough.. the results son;t sound any better than storing unwashed eggs in my fridge.. which were vaible (with less quality) at least 4-6 months!

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