Newbie Crystal here!


In the Brooder
Oct 12, 2017
I don't currently have any chickens or other farm animals but I am doing my research and learning from my boyfriends family before I purchase any animals. I currently have two dogs and a cat. I just moved to the farm and I am very excited to learn and get started!
Advanced Chicken Math.png
You are off to a great start!

Enjoy the new farm
Hi @CSNesbitt85! We are so happy to have you here at BYC! :welcome

I hope you can get some chickens soon! They really are great to have around! Enjoy your new farm!!!

I hope you will enjoy being on BYC! Check out this link! It has the most recent version of all things BYC! It will help you to learn the ways of BYC... Posting, commenting, etc. etc.

Welcome To The New BYC! | BackYard Chickens

Enjoy being a part of our flock!! We are eggstatic to have you!!!!

-Chatty :)

If you haven't already, check out the Learning Center, there are some really good articles that will help you get off on the right foot. And always remember, if you have questions feel free to ask...there are a lot of knowledgeable and friendly members here ready to help out.

Best wishes!

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