Newbie from Atlanta GA here....


In the Brooder
11 Years
Dec 31, 2008
Hi everyone! I am a longtime chicken lover but until recent years have not had a flock of my own. I have a small mixed flock of laying hens for fresh eggs to eat and cook with. Wyndottes, Chanteclairs, Black sex links, orpingtons, barred rocks and one red star. Thought I'd start the New Year off with joining your forum.
I will warn you that you will soon be addicted!!!

Thanks for joining. Looking forward to getting to know you!!

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Gosh Cyn...did you experience a culture shock like my DIL?She moved up here (the sticks) from Woodstock & it's been hard for her to adjust.She's used to having shopping just right around the corner & not having to travel 10 miles to town.And she misses her friends.
Oh, no culture shock! I've lived in the mtns out west (was a military wife) and never was a city girl at heart. Spent loads of time on my grandfather's farm in Carrollton while growing up. My closest grocery store is 12 miles away. Previously, I had moved out a bit and the closest grocery store was 5 miles away, so it wasn't all that bad. "Civilization" is getting closer all the time. Blue Ridge is growing like crazy, so wont be long till I'll feel like Im claustrophobic again, LOL.
Same here with ppl moving in.I've been here almost 15 yrs & seen a 2 mobile home communities and 2 gated communities developed just out the road.I'm from Cherokee Co & it aint nothing like it used to be, glad I moved up here,I dont go to Canton if I can help it!!I love the seclusion my place gives me.And the taxes are like 1/4 what my mom pays & I have 4X's the land she does.

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