I have several water locations during the warm months and the water does not freeze. I have the plastic hanging poultry waterers as well as just metal dog bowls. It is easy to take a 2 gal bucket to the coop/run every day and give fresh water. Inside the coop, I have a 2 gal hanging heated poultry waterer that is under a poop board. This works great because I can slosh water out of the tray to clean any pine chips or debris that is in it (you can hang it or set it up on bricks). I refill the container every other day as it gets low. You will want a heated waterer if you live in a cold region.

Kinda hard to see but my waterer is shown to the left below the poop board.
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As far as feeders... I also use the plastic dispensers (found at TSC). I will also throw feed or cracked corn out on the ground or in metal bowls daily (they love to hunt and scratch for food). There needs to be plenty of feed places to keep the peace. :)

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Thanks everyone for your advice and photo's. I believe I will go with a combo of the galvanized and rigid plastic feeders/waterer's. I found a used set of 4 on my local Kijiji site and will hopefully have them by next week. They are the size you recommended and were barely used. I will post some pic's when I receive them.

Fuzzy Chicken

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