Newbie on the Sunshine Coast


In the Brooder
Dec 20, 2021
Hi from the Sunshine Coast, Queensland. We have a flock of 8 Croad Langshans but sadly our rooster, Benny, died the day after introducing 4 new hens to the flock....So, after been told the hens remain fertile for around 10 days we collected a dozen eggs and put them in the incubator. Hatching is due 31st December. Candled the eggs after 7 days and there appears to some something going on in most of the eggs.
This is all new to us, so on a steep learning curve. In the process of building a brooding box in anticipation of some success.
Will have lots of questions in the very near future!!
Alan & Wendy
Hello, Alan and Wendy, and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.
Good luck with the hatch. Consider building the brooder with hardware cloth for the walls and use a brooder plate for the heat source and brood them out in the coop with the adults in full view. Integration is much easier when the chicks are raised within sight and sound of the flock they will one day live with. Integration can begin as early as 4-5 weeks old by opening chick size doors in the brooder so the chick can come and go but the bigs cannot get in. That gives them a safe place.
Hi from the Sunshine Coast, Queensland. We have a flock of 8 Croad Langshans but sadly our rooster, Benny, died the day after introducing 4 new hens to the flock....So, after been told the hens remain fertile for around 10 days we collected a dozen eggs and put them in the incubator. Hatching is due 31st December. Candled the eggs after 7 days and there appears to some something going on in most of the eggs.
This is all new to us, so on a steep learning curve. In the process of building a brooding box in anticipation of some success.
Will have lots of questions in the very near future!!
Alan & Wendy
Hi Welcome. I'm a newbie too here in North Carolina USA. No rooster here though. Excited to see what comes. Oh and loooove dobies. Had one years ago. Best girl ever. Super with my boys when they were kids. She never had to bite anyone but always watched and placed herself strategically near them around strangers. Cheers!!!

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