Newbie to BYC but not chickens šŸ™ƒ


In the Brooder
Mar 3, 2023
Hi everyone! New to BYC but have kept chickens for 7 yrs now. (Rocky and Betsy are my 2 originals, still laying!)

I currently have 23 hens and 2 beautiful boys (BCM and CLB)

I started out with Buff Orpingtons, Barred Rocks, and Australorps. After many years of ā€œchicken math,ā€ I now also have EEā€™s, Whiting True Blue, White Leghorns, Wyandottes, Black Copper Marans, Welsummers, Cream Legbars, Sapphire Gems, and Bielefelders.

I love having fresh eggs, hearing fun chicken sounds, and watching their antics. My children absolutely adore them.

Some other hobbies I enjoy are hunting, fishing, camping, hiking, snowboarding, snowmobiling, painting, crocheting, crafting, and canning.

My family lives in the foothills of three mountains in Colorado. My husband is a private contractor and we live across the street from his folks and childhood home. We have 2 kids. Girl (6) and boy (4). I am a part-time dental hygienist who ventured out west from MI after college. We have the chickens, a few fish and 2 dogs. One being a 4 mo old German Shorthair Pointer thatwe will bird hunt with. Good thing our chickens have a solid set up!

Ive known about BYC for ages, as googling a question will also bring up a forum. I finally decided to join because Iā€™m interested in pursuing breeding for different egg comes and have lots of questions!

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