Newbie to the site here!


Free Ranging
8 Years
Dec 8, 2015
Southeastern KY
Hey everyone,

My name is Kayla and I am from Southeastern KY. I have raised chickens for most of my life. We mainly keep and raise American Games, but I have recently gotten into the larger breeds. I have fallen in love with Black Copper Marans, Speckled Sussex, and Americaunas, to name a few. In addition to full-time chicken keeper, I am also a nurse (LPN), working on my RN and then hopefully eventually my BSN. I have been married for nearly 8 years, and my only son is almost 3. That sums up my life in a nut shell. I look forward to being active in the forum. Thanks for having me!

Hi :welcome Kayla

Glad you could join us here! Those are some lovely breeds you are into there, not any that I keep but I've seen lovely pics if them.

Hope you enjoy BYC, I'm sure you will everyone here to help and very friendly :frow
Hi Kayla, it's very nice to meet you. Glad you joined us at the BYC flock.

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