
Jul 14, 2023
Cicero, Indiana
Good morning!
I am a chicken newbie of one month. My mother raised ducks but I never liked them because they were mean to me as a toddler.
We have three single-comb, brown leg, three Columbian Wyandotte, and two Barred Rock. The Wyandottes are the calmest.
The three brown leg remind me of the cartoon, Roadrunner. They’re the only ones who still run from me after a month. Everyone else comes to me and pecks a little.
I ordered my chicks from Murray McMurray Hatcheries upon my sister’s recommendation. It went okay. One (obviously the “extra chick” they send) arrived sick and I nursed her back to what I thought was health. She was doing everything everyone else was. I checked many times a day but she lasted a little over a week. She was malformed something awful but you know that the one you put the most effort into is the one you hate losing.
I spent the previous four months learning all I could and I have a few mentors, too.
Things seem to be going well.
I’ve had a hard time with the waterers getting dumped so I resorted to an old, heavy, puppy food bowl.
Is there anyone here who purchased an Egloo? My hubs did as a surprise last winter and I’m still unsure how I’m going to get inside to check the girls!
Three are going to a friend since the Egloo will only hold six adult chickens.
I think that’s it for now.
Have a wonderful day!!
Hi there! Welcome to BYC! Eggloos look so small to me. Whatever they say it can hold I would only put half as many. Maybe even 1/3.
The run is not tall but it‘s long and the box is pretty big and very secure.
I can’t have many chickens with that set up but my hubs didn’t want chickens in the first place so he gave in a lot.
The good part is I wanted to free range on the acreage but needed to work with the reality of predators. We live next to a river and have hawks, eagles, fox, coyotes, wolves, etc.
MAYBE as time goes on, he will make my dream henhouse. Gotta go through stages. He’s an Air Force brat and it took time for him to adjust to country living so I consider myself blessed to get this far in 3 1/2 years.
Welcome to BYC.
I'm so sorry for the loss of your chick.
I've never seen an egloo in person, but I'm not too impressed with the photos. Any chance you could convert a shed or build a walkin? It would make chicken keeping much less stressful and much more enjoyable.
Maybe in the future. We can’t have a second permanent building or the county will hike our taxes and they’re already high.
Maybe in the future. We can’t have a second permanent building or the county will hike our taxes and they’re already high.
Maybe you could build a creative hoop coop that while temporary could look like a real solid structure? I want to build one that looks like a covered wagon of the old west on wheels so I can move it when needed.

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