

In the Brooder
6 Years
May 23, 2013
This is the first chickens our family has owned
We hope to get them into their coop and out of the house this weekend. I am not sure if they are old enough to be outside on their own yet
Any advice on how to tell if they are ready
once the chicks are fully feathered out, they can venture outside unless the weather is really bad.
Thanks they still need some time then. They keep getting out of their box ,we may need to put them someplace bigger til then
Hi and :welcome from Ohio. So glad to have you aboard. I go from the house to the garage at 2 wks. with heat lamps. Then to the coop at 4 wks. Unless it is warm, then they might go out sooner. If it is still cool, they may get a heat lamp out there as well. Good luck. :thumbsup

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