NEWBIES with Hatchery orders!

To the poster who lost 3 of 4 chicks from Meyer's...I am SO sorry to see this! We must have ordered at the same time (how far from the Meyer hatchery are you located? I'm in PA...just a state way from them). Mine, however; all arrived alive! I've got 4 Buff Orpington and a mystery chick (Myer Meal Maker). I THINK she is a Barred Plymouth Rock OR a Dominique??? Anyone more versed in chick identification, please do weigh in!! Anyway, so sorry again for those losses. Here's hoping Meyer gets it squared away quickly for u!
We are in Western NY - so, SO sad that 3/4 died! We are also only one state away (well, two, but it is only 20 minutes through part of PA) - I think they're about 6 hours from our house. :( I ordered from them because they are the closest. We had 2 barred rocks that died, and one buff orpington that died. The survivor is a buff orpington.
So very odd!! I, too, ordered from Meyer's, because of them being the closest. Trying to be as smart and safe about the "procedure", as I've never done this before and I couldn't find ANY hens locally (This surprises me greatly!). Had to go with a hatchery. Honestly, I was prepared to open the box and find at LEAST one fatality, but, to my Do you think maybe it had to do with the handling?? I'm just so sorry for you.
I am guessing there was something with the handling. Did the USPS keep them in good conditions? I have no idea. They were shipped yesterday and arrived today. And since we lost 2 different breeds (the orpington and 2 barred rocks), I think it had to have been environmental stress. At least we have one survivor. She is sleeping now - seems to be OK but wobbly. I think they were stressed to death (whether by heat or some other factor). Will call Meyer on Thursday to get replacements.
My initial feeling is the same as yours. I don't mean to sound negative by any means and certainly don't want to be the finger pointer, but, I've seen the usps in action more times than I care to remember and I don't trust them, generally. I remember one day waiting on a box my then boyfriend had shipped to my house. It was full of his shot glass collection (he was in the middle of moving here), I had my front door open and I watched, with my own eyes, the postman kind of drop and slide a box CLEARLY marked "FRAGILE". All but two (over 25) were broken...ruined to some degree. I called and complained, but, nothing was ever done about it. The usps workers are human, too. And not all humans are nice, good people. I really wouldn't put it past some of them. This obviously doesn't help with anything, or bring back your chicks. Just reiterating, I guess, my feeling on the whole thing. Please let us know how Meyer's handles this for you and here's hoping for live healthy chicks next time around!!
My guess is handling too. I picked up a chick order from the PO before with most dead. The counter lady said she'd seen it happen before from the delivery driver having the box by an AC vent in the van. Maybe misplaced intentions trying to give them air.
My guess is handling too. I picked up a chick order from the PO before with most dead. The counter lady said she'd seen it happen before from the delivery driver having the box by an AC vent in the van. Maybe misplaced intentions trying to give them air.
I wonder if this is what happened. Our fourth chick is NOT doing well. She is dying, I think. She can't walk anymore. I've checked for pasty butt, her incubator is at 95, and I have a mirror and a stuffed toy in there for her. Sav-a-chick in her water. I dipped her beak again and she did drink some. But she is dying. Something is/was very wrong with these birds.
That's how all my survivors acted as well. Very weak and lethargic. I had a few pull through but they were very huddled for warmth and you could physically see them shaking. I hope she made it through the night for you.
Great first post for newbies!!!
I just received my chicks last Friday from Meyer hatchery and all 9 healthy and alive (I won't take that for granite) I also chose them because of shipping distance and great reviews on here. I live in Michigan about 3 hours away and it took 2 full days to receive my chicks (I had very unhappy children after they found out they wouldn't be arriving the next day... Which is my fault as it says it could be 3 possible days, but who would have thought 2 full days when we are 3 hours away) any who I just ordered more as my husband fell in love with a few breeds after he started researching (something I've been doing for 6 months now and he chooses to start after we receive our chicks lol) I am now prepared not to tell my children how many or condition until I see them first, I pray they are healthy, happy and hens!!!! NO ROOSTERS FOR ME PLEASE!!!!
I just saw another post on the Hatchery forum from a person who lost almost all of hers in shipping. :( It can happen.. we lost our fourth chick last night. She lost the ability to walk and was silently opening and closing her beak. We are so sad that none of them made it. 3 DOA and one dead within 12 hours. Meyer is going to send a replacement batch of chicks on Monday. Fortunately they have plenty of Buff Orpingtons and Barred Rocks. We're going to sterilize the brooder just in case it was something more than shipping conditions.

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