newly hatched babies less than 12 hours old


In the Brooder
Sep 21, 2022
This is my 3rd and last attempt to hatch chicks if I can't raise them. 1st time one baby with splayed legs died at 3 days, just passed away. 2nd attempt 3 babies but one drowned in the water saucer)a sad lesson was learned for me. The other 2 just passed away. All very sad and emotionally upsetting and frustrating.
Today my 3rd (and last attempt if they die) I have 4 beautiful little babies. They are under the heated plate (an electric hen). I have put a very shallow water dish and a water dropper (like a rabbit one). I have put starter chick crumb on the floor of the brooder box. They are all huddled under the plate together. My question is will they find the food and water by themselves or do I need to coax them? So far they have not eaten or had a drink.
Please advise as I don't want to lose them/
thank you
This is my 3rd and last attempt to hatch chicks if I can't raise them. 1st time one baby with splayed legs died at 3 days, just passed away. 2nd attempt 3 babies but one drowned in the water saucer)a sad lesson was learned for me. The other 2 just passed away. All very sad and emotionally upsetting and frustrating.
Today my 3rd (and last attempt if they die) I have 4 beautiful little babies. They are under the heated plate (an electric hen). I have put a very shallow water dish and a water dropper (like a rabbit one). I have put starter chick crumb on the floor of the brooder box. They are all huddled under the plate together. My question is will they find the food and water by themselves or do I need to coax them? So far they have not eaten or had a drink.
Please advise as I don't want to lose them/
thank you
Congrats on your littles! How old are they? They can go 72 hrs without food or water after they hatch. I would take each one and dip their beaks in the water. What do you have in the brooder for bedding?
ATM I have a non-slip layer to prevent splayed legs. What actual bedding do you suggest?
I am not a pro when it comes to hatching chicks, I've only had a broody hatch chicks. I chick-sat some newly hatched chicks for my boss this summer and had them on large flake pine shavings. @junior67 did quite a bit of hatching this year, maybe they could give better input. Or maybe @3KillerBs can shine some light on this subject.
I am not a pro when it comes to hatching chicks, I've only had a broody hatch chicks. I chick-sat some newly hatched chicks for my boss this summer and had them on large flake pine shavings. @junior67 did quite a bit of hatching this year, maybe they could give better input. Or maybe @3KillerBs can shine some light on this subject.
thank you
They'll be good on the nonslip for a few days, when they start to poop more you'll want to put up shavings. They are going to sleep a loooot for the first couple days, but most chicks(I've found with mine some breeds are better than others for this) will respond to you tapping and zoom over to check you out, so if you put down a bit of feed, tap on the floor next to it and see if they come! Don't stress too much about it if they don't eat a lot in the first few days, if they're sleeping quietly then that's what they need.
They'll be good on the nonslip for a few days, when they start to poop more you'll want to put up shavings. They are going to sleep a loooot for the first couple days, but most chicks(I've found with mine some breeds are better than others for this) will respond to you tapping and zoom over to check you out, so if you put down a bit of feed, tap on the floor next to it and see if they come! Don't stress too much about it if they don't eat a lot in the first few days, if they're sleeping quietly then that's what they need.
thank you so much I will do that xx
I am not a pro when it comes to hatching chicks, I've only had a broody hatch chicks. I chick-sat some newly hatched chicks for my boss this summer and had them on large flake pine shavings. @junior67 did quite a bit of hatching this year, maybe they could give better input. Or maybe @3KillerBs can shine some light on this subject.

I wouldn't call myself an expert on raising chicks. I found this article particularly useful when I was new to it:

I use paper towels over the shavings in my brooder for the first few days and I scatter chick starter on the towels to help them get the idea.

I also dip their beaks gently in the water.

If you're using a brooder plate you need to make sure it's low enough that they can touch it with their backs -- it's a contact heater, not a space heater. Many people recommend that you adjust it on a slant from lying-down height at the back to standing up height at the front.

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