Newly hatched chicks pecking at pipped eggs


10 Years
Jan 12, 2010
Anderson, CA
Title says it all. They are both trying to help their friends out, but they are getting a little too aggresive, at least in my mind. What should do? Should I open the incubator, with spray bottle in hand for a quick mist and grab them out of there? They are fully dry, about 8 hours old. They are very active, that is for sure. Pecking at everything they see. Talk about needing to child proof.

I just recently had this happen. 1 had zipped and was trying to rest. The hatchling was pecking it in the face and it would chirp louldy. I moved it, and another that took a long time to do anything, to my other bator that I was using for anything but it was still running.
So you have another bator you could use to warm/dry the chicks?
It is normal... My chicks were rolling,knocking,sitting on and pecking the pipped eggs. Everyone hatched fine. I wouldn't open it unless you feel like it is getting way to rough? If you are very worried about it let them completely dry off and get fluffy and but them in the brooder.. I had multiple chicks doing it at once. Wonder what others will say.
I don't have another incubator to move the eggs or the chicks to. And I have to leave for work, (like 20 minutes ago), so I guess nature will rule on this one. It is nice to know that at least others have seen this happen. I don't wannt go to work.

Next month the goats are due to kid, 3 of them for their first time, and one veteran. I can only imagine what a mess I will be for that. This is killing me.

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