Nipples Enough?


9 Years
Nov 16, 2010
West centeral Maryland
I have waterers and I noticed that no matter how many nipples I have out for the birds they will rush maddly to open water if it becomes available. It makes me feel bad, like I'm not offering enough water. I like the nipple system because the water is always clean, but am I depriving my birds of water? Alternatively I can use cup waterers . The kind that hook on to a pipe and provide water when the birds hit a little "leaver"'. Trouble is they are five to six times as expensive as nipples. Any body have any Ideas??
You aren't depriving them of water. They simply prefer open water to the nipples. Mine are the same way. They'll drink the water from the nipples but when there's puddles or something, they love them. Even with clean regular waterers they do that.
I wish someone really knew the physiology here. Do the nipples really provide adequate hydration?
Every year in the US 9.6 billion meat chickens and their parents drink from nipple drinkers.

There are about 235 million laying hens and their parents drinking out of nipple right now in the US.

I ask- why would the poultry industry use a drinker that deprives birds of water?

Due to improper management generally being the rule in backyard situations those birds have more water available to them than the more than adequate supply there is for commercial birds.
Thanks .... I thought comercial breeders were using watering cups bells etc more than nipples?

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