No bator

yes your right that would have been so much easier, I did try to bring her in but in daylight and she refused to sit.
If there is a next time that's how it will be's sure been a learning experience!
They still laying fertile eggs in the coop.....I'm letting nature take it's course.
Thanks Sgray
Haven't gotten quite as brave as you. My group doesn't smell yet, so they are still in.

I did do a massive, and somewhat depressing, search here and on other forums.. and found posts where eggs didn't hatch until day 25. Since that's where I'm at, I'm sitting through one last day for them.

And I think I'm taking a serious hatching break after this. I'm so bummed out.

So why, oh why, did I order a new thermostat from GQF last night? IDK.. but I feel pretty guilty. I fired off an e-mail to the wonderful person who sent me the eggs, just letting her know that I killed them. It was an egg swap. She is such a nice woman.

I'm just feeling crappy about the whole thing. I almost replied to your post last night, but hoped I would eventually have better news to share.

Could you tell what stage your little guys died? Did they make it all the way to the end, or give up earlier? Will you be trying with a new set, in an incubator? It really IS a wonderful experience when they hatch.

awww Meghan..... I know

mine were at different stages, fully formed but dead.
Air still in shell if that means anything?
they were going to be very dark chicks.
Hubby promted me to give up so I agreed
but curiosty prevailed.
It was a little shocking to look inside, never seen that before.
I saw posts too saying 25 days.
I've cleaned the dog kennel and kept it handy, they still have fertile eggs in coop.
This time I'd do the nightime switch with mum and chicks if they kill anymore they hatch.
No idea who killed the first hatched chicks.
But as far as incubating I'm not going to entertain that idea for a long time, has to be the mum this time.
I want to get more chickens though this spring and some double breasted bronze turkeys! you should check out the thread "'Broad Breasted Bronze vs Giant Whites... "!!
Amazing sizes.
So now I look forward to spring and hopefully day old chicks of many breeds to raise together....gonna have lots of questions about roos then.
Cheer up Meghan, I'm gonna go visit my coop and make them like me again.......or maybe kick the rooster lol just kidding!

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