No Crow Rooster collar

If you dont want to use a rooster collar and are permitted to have roosters, But don't want them/him yo crow at dawn. Then you can consider a rooster cabin. this is a dark and sound proof cabin for the night. The roosters sleep in it untill you get him/them out.
But do be carefull. You have to put enough pipes in for ventilation.
When the rooster goes to sleep with his flock, you can easily take him out and put him in the cabin.
See during the summer here I would have to put something like this in the garage. A bird left in even until 9 am could get heat stroke on most days in the summer. It would just make me way too nervous. But I could see it def being a viable option during cooler months.

If you dont want to use a rooster collar and are permitted to have roosters, But don't want them/him yo crow at dawn. Then you can consider a rooster cabin. this is a dark and sound proof cabin for the night. The roosters sleep in it untill you get him/them out.
But do be carefull. You have to put enough pipes in for ventilation.
When the rooster goes to sleep with his flock, you can easily take him out and put him in the cabin.
Wow so I just ate my main rooster who had been wearing his collar for two months just chocked to death. I blame this 100% on me though. I hadn't checked his collar in a few weeks maybe even a month and he was still growing. Warning if you put this on growing birds do not forget to check his collar regularly. We put a lot of time into this bird and my backup roo is not really breeding stock because he had so many issues as a chick. Now I don't even know what to do as we wanted a sustainable flock and I'm not sure I'm cofortable bringing in a grown rooster because of disease.
I've seen most of the discussion focus on the No Crow collar, a home-made velcro version, or children's socks. Does anyone have experience with other brands of rooster collars available online?

I've seen an alternative that is elasticized. It may not breathe as well as the No Crow, but I'm wondering if being elasticized would successfully reduce the risk of choking...
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Does anyone want a rooster? Can't keep him parents dont want fertilized eggs
and he crows. He is about2.5 months old. Great chicken and very friendly. I wanna give him to somebody that i know will take care of him and possibly wouldnt mind if i visit him sometimes.
There is a specific section for rehoming roosters and making trades/sales etc. you may have better luck there.

Does anyone want a rooster? Can't keep him parents dont want fertilized eggs
and he crows. He is about2.5 months old. Great chicken and very friendly. I wanna give him to somebody that i know will take care of him and possibly wouldnt mind if i visit him sometimes.

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