No difference between pasture raised chicken eggs and caged chicken eggs.

You can get all your daily requirements through vitamins and eat Twinkies to stay full, but that doesn't mean it's just the same as someone getting their daily requirements by eating whole fresh foods. That old saying "you are what you eat" rings true to me, but there is very little science to back it up. What industry would make money off of a study like that? Look at your chickens in the morning and imagine that their whole life is spent in a cage the size of a piece of notebook paper, from point of lay to death. I can't imagine choosing to support that industry over what I call my happy chicken eggs.
You can get all your daily requirements through vitamins and eat Twinkies to stay full, but that doesn't mean it's just the same as someone getting their daily requirements by eating whole fresh foods. That old saying "you are what you eat" rings true to me, but there is very little science to back it up. What industry would make money off of a study like that? Look at your chickens in the morning and imagine that their whole life is spent in a cage the size of a piece of notebook paper, from point of lay to death. I can't imagine choosing to support that industry over what I call my happy chicken eggs.
You gotta know that some egg producing entity did this study. Do you really think LOL that a BYC person would do such a study. Who benefits from the "results" of this "study". Always follow the money you'll find your answer there.
You gotta know that some egg producing entity did this study. Do you really think LOL that a BYC person would do such a study. Who benefits from the "results" of this "study". Always follow the money you'll find your answer there.
This results could easily be a function of methods alone. Based on what I can figure out so far, the trial was not one that replicates what most people consider to be free-range foraging. It does appear to meet the USDA's version which I do not respect for my use. The outdoor birds were still a feedlot, but able to walk on and among vegetation that did not significantly impact diet relative to bird on the same ground if it were covered in dirt or even concrete. There findings likely will hold when having that density of birds. I can get reputed impacts of free-range foraging, but have only a few birds per acre versus hundreds and feed I use is rationed and often little more than scratch to keep them from ranging too far. This overall an apples and oranges where free-range needs to be rigorously defined to make certain every is comparing the same kind of fruit.
You gotta know that some egg producing entity did this study. Do you really think LOL that a BYC person would do such a study. Who benefits from the "results" of this "study". Always follow the money you'll find your answer there.

That's exactly what I was saying. Anyone that read that, or a simplified version saying nutrition is the same, would just pat himself on the back as he bought the 99 cent dozen at Walmart, thinking how much smarter he was than those idjots paying $4 for local farm eggs. I'm not against slaughter, I'm against cruelty & CAFO's.
People have done flavor tests, and so long as the yolks are the same color, people can't actually tell a flavor difference between free range and confined eggs. They just seem to taste better because you think they will :)
Just like diet drinks. People always ask me was that a diet drink. Shouldn't they be able to tell by the "taste". Drank the whole glass of diet iced tea and then an hour later ask if it were diet. When I go to Mickey D's and they give me regular coke I know immediately that it is not Diet Coke.
Just like diet drinks. People always ask me was that a diet drink. Shouldn't they be able to tell by the "taste". Drank the whole glass of diet iced tea and then an hour later ask if it were diet. When I go to Mickey D's and they give me regular coke I know immediately that it is not Diet Coke.
Besides SBE and BYC eggs don't have the same color yolks. I've only had one egg some days and have cracked a SBE and can definitely see a color difference. So how was the study done? Where did they get SBE with vibrant orange colored yolks. They have washed out yellow yolks. SBE that is.

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