No eggs in the summer?


12 Years
Oct 24, 2011
We have had laying hens for years, and for some reason our 7 hens all decided to quit laying?

We had been picking up 4-6 eggs every day, throughout the winter and into spring. The hens are locked in a coop at night and let out year round to free range about two acres of wooded and with a house property. Not sure if they are hiding them, as I cannot find any eggs, but possibly?!

Or perhaps a critter coming in to take them? But, cannot find more than a random egg in one of the laying baskets on any one day over the last nearly two weeks?

3 hens are older, 4 are about one year. All have been fabulous layers, until all just NO Eggs?

It is warm, 50-70's and no feeding or any other changes
Something could be stressing them out of lay.?
Being you free range has a Hawk or other scary thing happened in the past two weeks?

Hmm... That is a possibility!?!:oops:

We had a hawk kill a hen when we lived at a different location, and that caused the hens fear in going outside! So, possible! However, they only stayed frightened for two days, at most.

I would think if it was a hawk or eagle, they wouldn't want to go outside at all?

However, in saying that there has been an Eagles nest above the coop since they moved in two years ago!

We have never seen the birds attacked or swiped at. The open areas are a bit too small for the eagle to come in to get them.

Though we can't see everything, maybe this or something like it happens when we are not around?

Hmm... That is a possibility!?!

We had a hawk kill a hen when we lived at a different location, and that caused the hens fear in going outside! So, possible! However, they only stayed frightened for two days, at most.

I would think if it was a hawk or eagle, they wouldn't want to go outside at all?

However, in saying that there has been an Eagles nest above the coop since they moved in two years ago!

We have never seen the birds attacked or swiped at. The open areas are a bit too small for the eagle to come in to get them.

Though we can't see everything, maybe this or something like it happens when we are not around?
Fox around? A dog chased them...The lawn mower? Lots of things can upset a hen..
I. Just learned that a fox has had pups I thin a shot distance of


We had even the red fox on our proerty this winter, so maybe?

Did. Find. A. Soft. Shelled egg tonight.
I. Just learned that a fox has had pups I thin a shot distance of


We had even the red fox on our proerty this winter, so maybe?

Did. Find. A. Soft. Shelled egg tonight.
See, That is the problem...I figured as much. ?
They will settle down once the spooks are gone!
Do you have dogs? I have three outside dogs so for the most part the fox issue is gone during the day.
Soft eggs in the morning means the egg fell out during a scare at night.. Fox might be sniffing around the hen house at night and spooking them during the day?
Probably true! Aww, poor hens! I guess we have to figure out what our next move ?

Would they feel safer in an enclosed run?
We have a run that could possibly be set for them, though not sure as I need help in the woods ...

Just hope they are ok, even though I need to get some new chicks soon as well!
Well, really still no eggs! A random egg every few days, but that's it!

However, I did learn that a friend about ten miles from here lost 8/12 birds! Of the four left, one is a rooster who is missing some tail feathers. Culprit was a fox! Ugh!

Also, learned of a duck just a mile away, snatched by a fox! Ugh!

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