No longer expecting...l(PREGNANT MOMS DONT READ)


11 Years
Apr 2, 2008
I lost my baby girl, Olivia, last week at 33.5 weeks gestation. Abruption of placenta followed by eclampsia. I almost didn't survive.
She was perfect. She just looked like she was born asleep and never woke up. Dark hair. Birthmarks like her brother.
THey made me give birth rather than a Csection because I would not have survived the surgery and my OB said they would most likely have taken my uterus (I'm 34) I can't describe the hell of an abrupted placental birth. THe contractions don't end. I got 5 units of blood. I was lying there listing off my life insurance policies to my husband.
I had her and held her for four days, and my last memory of her is leaving her in the arms of the funeral director, looking all the world like she was asleep in the arms of a stranger.
I am so sad to read of your loss. When my sons were small and asked why a baby had died I would tell them it was because God needed another angel. I'm confident in my belief that your child is safe in God's arms. I pray he gives you peace and understanding in the days to come.
I'm so sorry for your loss...there are no words ...thats terrible
I'm so sorry to read this. One of my friends lost her unborn baby boy a little over a week ago at 8 months pregnant. She had to be induced and give birth to him too and when he was born there was no obvious reason for his death. The doctor said he looked perfect and the cord was not wrapped around his neck or knotted. They performed an autopsy on him trying to find out what happened but I haven't heard the results of it (and I'm not going to ask.) So sad, I can't imagine getting that far along in the pregnancy and losing the baby. I cried all day the day I found out about Kellie's baby.
to you... thank God you survived.
I'm so sorry! I'm praying for God to give you peace and comfort at this horrible time. I have also held a premature daughter in my hands as she died. There are no words that can take the pain away. There is a comfort in knowing she's safe in Heaven.

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