No Love 4 Cali?


12 Years
Jun 18, 2007
I find it sad that Southern California has such inactive posters. Look at all these other States. I know we are more Urban than almost all other places in America but we still have chicken fanatics. So help Bubba spread the chicken disease (addiction) on

We Southerners must just run our mouths more! I tried to explain to someone yesterday about my chickens and how much I love them, eggs, great pets, the whole thing and she said that if I were in her neighborhood with my chickens I would be bringing her property value down (geez!) and I would have complaints from the city and county everyday until my chickens were gone! So relieved that I don't live near her but it is a shame that anyone would have that mentality. Just to avoid that problem where I live, even withouther, I may get a loud barking, yappy sounding, annoying as heck dog for the backyard to cover the sound of my chickens laying eggs, lol!! Darlene
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I have several friends that have chickens but they either don't use computers or don't have one. I have wondered also about the lack of CA posters. I would like some near me. I have many neighbors with chickens. I don't see them much so I have not asked them if they have ever heard of BYC. I will ask next time I see them.

Anti chicken laws are probably more vigorously enforced there. The most interesting chickens in the Los Angeles area used to be the feral chickens that lived in the freeway landscaping. At least they were something to break the boredom of grid lock.

homecatmom-It is 27 degrees here right now, I don't know what the windchill is though, so figure about 25*! The snow is almost all gone, but we have another storm coming in Mon.-Wed.

We LOVE the winter weather, although our bodies don't,too many wild times and broken bones in our youth!.

Not all of CA is sunny and warm right now. Our chickens aren't happy at all!
Enjoy your sunny warm weather!

So are you north of Frazier Park or above it? I used to go there as a kid to play in the snow. Grew up in SCV.

I hate SoCal. Sorry. I'm from Bakersfield born and raised. My brother says, my motto is "Bakersfield in my rear view mirror" Not far from the truth at all. I do like Valencia though. My sister lives there. I'm a mountain person not a beach person so I could live without Cali and their bazzar laws about everything.

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