No, No, say it ain't so! Is My Louise a Louie?

I think its a girl,I am trying to find the pics of my RIW but no luck so girls comb was bigger then yours and she is laying so she is a she....I sold her with a few other hens to someone starting a flock so I dont still have her but I will look for the pictures...
That's what I figured, thanks for the help! So, do RIWs get a comb or don't get a comb or can it go both ways? The only pics I could find are with no comb that you could really see - at least, like Louie here. Thanks again!
Rhode island whites only have rose combs.

It's proubly a white rock. This says that although the standard for RIW is rose comb, some single comb individuals exist. The photo from Welp Hatchery's site shows single-combed RIW But sure, it could be a White Rock, things some times get mixed up at feed store chick bins.

I still cannot be sure. Some hens' combs can be that big & red at that age, I think a rooster's would be bigger/redder. That tail looks hen-shaped, no long or sickle-shaped feathers growing yet. Though I can't tell if those are a rooster's thin hackle feathers on the neck or if those are just a hen's new growth. I part the feathers and look at the skin to see what's growing in there. And those little buds on the legs can be present on both males & females, not yet an indication of a rooster's spurs. They don't begin to grow long until much later.

Keep watching & listening, it should be more evident soon. Go ahead & make a Plan B if it is Louie, not Louise. Maybe you can swap it for a hen from a nearby BYC member.
All birds have those spur bumps. Actual spurs don't grow in until close to a year old.

I'm leaning more towards hen. But then those neck feathers looks more stingy/roosterish. I don't know. I would wait a little while. In another week or two you should be able to tell for sure.
Thanks for your help, everyone! I am such a novice, I just figured out what rose comb meant (thought it meant color!!). Hence my confusion in seeing some with and some without a larger comb. Nice to have you all out here to help a newbie like me! Looks like it's a waiting game and I will keep you posted! HenPen had one with bigger comb/wattles than mine and almost sold as a Roo, but turned out to be a great layer, so will remain optimistic for now. Thanks again. all!
A PS... Regardless of whether Louise is a Louise or a Louie, my "guard" dog, who won't let another being on the property, and who mothered the chicks like pups since I got them, still watches over her brood! I don't worry much about predators as she's always watching over! Thought you'd get a kick!


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