Noisy and lonely baby chick

Jan 6, 2018
I have been letting my broody hens sit on some of the eggs and so far 2 have hatched but they were a week apart. I had 3 broody hens at the time and they LOVE the first chick that hatched. They all think they are the mothers of it but never fight over it. When the second chick hatched the hens rejected it and started to aggressively attack it and almost pecked the poor thing’s eyes out, so I took it inside and have been raising it on my own but it gets so lonely at night and whenever I am not with it. It gets so loud and keeps me up all night with its chirping. Is there anything I can do? Ps. There should be more chicks hatching soon but it will take another week or so
Is the chick at the appropriate temperature? Eating normal? Drinking normal? Is there a light on at night or is the chick in total darkness? What I'm getting at is this... is there anything else that can be causing distress besides being alone?
This happened to me with a lone chick I had to raise by itself. I ended up putting the brooder in my room so it could still see and hear me, and then when I had to leave I'd try playing some talk radio next the brooder so she could still hear voices. If you're using a heat lamp, maybe consider switching to a Mama Heating Pad, if possible-- that way it would be dark at night so the chick would sleep better, and it could have something warm to snuggle up to (a cursory 'mama heating pad in brooder' search will turn up a great thread and a handful of great how-to articles-- Blooie's is my favorite)
Those are really only temporary solutions, though. Getting a friend (or two) for it is absolutely the best solution, even if you have to wait a week or two (we got a day-old when my aforementioned chick was almost four weeks old, because that was the earliest they were available, and despite the age difference they became fast friends. If possible, though, stay within a two week margin). One or two of the chicks that hatches from the current broodies would work - just bring them inside with the current one.
Best of luck!
I use mirrors and baby chick quilts, and stuffed animals, I had one small furry gorilla stuffed animal and it would crawl under the gorilla's belly, (silverback that was leaning forward. I have one egg that is hatching soon myself, then 2 more 4 days after. below are some cute chicks enjoying a bed with a baby quilt.
egg 068.jpg
below are 2 chicks enjoying a mirror.
chickies 038.jpg
egg 5089.jpg
lastly above is a new hatched chick (well maybe 3-5 days old) He was hatched 2-3 weeks after 3 older chicks. I didn't put the new hatched chick with the older ones, but I did take the bigger ones out one at a time and let them spend time with the younger bird. See this bird laying down to be short like the chick. Eventually this chick blended in with the older ones, all was right with the world.
Or take the pic the chick and put it in with it. Why wait? That's what you plan in doing with the unhatched ones. If you can fix the issue now, that's in his best interest.

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