Non sequitur haikus

There truly are no
words to fill so big a hole.
Remember the love.
Rosalynn Carter?
No, we’re mourning our pets
Who left us too soon

(Covid “plus” last week;
I still cannot get my brain
Back to normal mode)

Guinea keets to sell
I have five that need a home
Youngest 3-months-old

Coyote nabbed one
Just last week: a young pullet
She was learning life.
Here is a twist
The haiku that follow on this post
Are raw and unedited*
(Spellings the limit)

These are the “story” so far
This will show how my brain produces
And creates
Most of these flowed freely
As a few often do
Stumble out of the gate
They tend to be those with
OR or AND in between the versions
To keep my eyes trained
So here you now see:

Darkness in daylight
Glowing silhouette of pain
those distracted, blind


Darkness at daylight
Pain, detached in silhouette
Their blind distractions

Some may say, “they’re Goth…”
as a way to wrap them up
for their simple minds

Yet, they’ve mislabeled
& still they don’t even know
just how wrong they are

put me in a box
label & decorate it
Layers, missed them all?

Short attention span
Such side effect of selfish
Dooms them to repeat

Boredom at their core
Longing for entertainment
Self care is foreign

Start search with pity
too many You will dig up
Imagine their loss


Start search with pity
too many You will dig up
Imagine they’re lost

& yet, not knowing
they wander through life empty
without awareness


& yet, not knowing
they wander through life empty
not even aware
Dearest Indigo,
twenty years was a loooooong time ..,
but not long enough.

Truth. You rescued me,
not the other way around.
Rest in peace, Sweet Boy.


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