North Carolina

YES the same thing happened. I'm swamped with bators and chicks!

As promised here are some pictures of our very first hatch. These all came from Beth. I want to keep them all, but cant
The Blue Sizzles (one more not pictured)

The Oliver Eggers, excuse the poop:

Okay Beth help me with these next two. They look to be Easter Eggers, thus the chipmunk marking, the first one has feathered feet; four toes.The second one has 5 toes; no feathered feet. I only had 3 eggs that were marked FNNEE? I am trying to figure these out. These are DH favorites so we are keeping them both :)

The five toer:

The FNNEE: nobody likes these except for me. Whats up with that? I was not sure at first, but boy I think they are fabulous now!

The Polish Gang:
Great pics 3chickens ....
The 2 unknown.... the feathered legs is from the FNNEE egg. The other is from a blue sizzle eggs. Sad when I know what chick came from what eggs. Nope...haven't hatched out millions of those.

Morning rounds went good, found 1 little Polish that is standing with it's head down
brought it inside and it's eating and drinking just fine, even the poo looks normal? Think I might trim some of that mop-top back a bit, it gets in the water and really hangs down then.

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