NOT EATING?? Found Few Day Old Sparrow -PICS-

I was told by a rescue worker once to take a milk jug, cut off the op, poke holes in the bottom, place some bedding in, and put the babies in it. then hang it in the tree. the mom and dad should be able to find them. If not then mother nature will take its course.
There may be a reason why you found them on the ground like that. I have tried to hand feed wild baby birds, and they never made it. But the milk jug does work.
We use wet cat food too! I work in a barn and the swallows loose dozens of chicks in our indoor ring. I walk around every few days and find all the one that get pushed out. We would wake up during the night and give a feeding. Put some of the newest born in the bator. If you have any hand warmers left over pop one of those open. Be care full you don't melt the plastic thing you have him in. Good luck and keep us posted
Thanks ^

He (he can't just be an 'it') has lost interest in food but it's 8:20 pm so do you think it's normal for them to stop eating at night?
Great, thanks! He made it through the night!
He's still not interested in eating quite yet though.. it's almost 6 am.
Make sure he is warm enough. They have a hard time keeping body heat and cannot digest food well when they are cold. Once it is daylight, he *should* be hungry to eat. Just keep trying! Sometimes though, when they are that young, it can be difficult to get them to pull through! I hope he makes it though!

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