Not emergency but hen not regrowing feathers


10 Years
Jun 30, 2009
Burleson, TX
Hi everyone,
I have a hen that was severely plucked by a rooster we used to have- she was his favorite
and we got rid of that roo. Soon after all the hens started molting. Poor girl was almost naked (far worse than the rest of the girls). She has grown most of her feathers back but still remains bare on her back where the roo plucked her. I mean there is NO regrowth at all there. Will she ever get them back? Should I get a saddle for her? I feel bad because although I am in Texas it is still cold here. The coop is quite warm though. I only let them free range for part of the day.

The other day as soon as I let them out, a hawk went after her. My DH thinks it must have been waiting for me to let them out.
I feel like this hen has a target on her back. She is black and then has the pink circular area on her back that is just naked. She is the smallest chicken, but the best layer. The hawk very nearly got her too. Grabbed her tail but she got away luckily. My DH isn't that worried (maybe a little since the hawk attack) but I feel like we should be doing more to protect her "nakedness." Any thoughts?

Poor baby! You can use a dark colored saddle if her bare spot is too noticeable. I would also be sure they all get a little extra protein when molting. It may (or not) help her regrow feathers too.
Protecting from aerial predators is tough but necessary when they are aware of your chickens.
Giving your girls more covered areas to hide under or netting over their range area should help.
thanks for the response. Actually we live on three acres and there are so many trees you can't even see our house from the satellite view on google! But during winter the trees thin out and that is when we have the trouble with hawks. They have a nice coop and large range to be in during the day until I am home from work so that is good. We do like to let them out in the evening though. I do think I will be getting a saddle. I just don't think its right to leave her bare!


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