Not in compliance with county ordinance?

Robert Kazlauski

Nov 9, 2023
Has anyone had trouble with chicken math and the County says you are not in compliance? What did they say and do about it? What did you do? Do they fine you or take you to court? Interested in hearing how aggressive they are.
This is likely going to be very specific to your locality. Some counties may be more strict than others. If you're in a rural versus a suburban area, that probably makes a difference and it may come down to the leniency of a particular individual(s).

You may want to try posting this in your state thread to see if you can find someone in your area that is knowledgeable. You can find your state here:

Good luck!
I had a friend. He either had to rehome the entire flock or all but the 6 hens allowed. I'm thinking it was the first and that he had to restart if he wantednto keep chickens
Has anyone had trouble with chicken math and the County says you are not in compliance? What did they say and do about it? What did you do? Do they fine you or take you to court? Interested in hearing how aggressive they are.
Thanks for explaining

— So sorry for the confusion @Robert Kazlauski ♥️♥️♥️
Unfortunately ordinances (laws, rules) are usually pretty straightforward and clear. If you're in violation of laws rules there's usually not much you can do but adhere to them. Quite frankly you're no different than I and neither of us are special and get preferential treatment.
Unfortunately ordinances (laws, rules) are usually pretty straightforward and clear. If you're in violation of laws rules there's usually not much you can do but adhere to them. Quite frankly you're no different than I and neither of us are special and get preferential treatment.
With that said I'd like to add I'm all for breaking rules. Like trying to hide them or something. As long as they aren't loud and bring attention to themselves and you don't tell anyone
I live in a neighborhood and my town requires you get all your neighbors permission. That's 5 neighbors for me- one on each side and the three behind including catty corners. Then the city comes and inspects your coop and run. We are allowed to have 4 hens in town, no roosters. I already had two hens when I realized I needed to do this. I went and asked all my neighbors and not one knew I had chickens! I was flabbergasted! They are just normal regular hens who sing the egg song loud and clear! Then it dawned on me, none of my neighbors come out of their houses. I have a big garden in my little yard with my chickens and love being outside. Good luck with your city ordinances!

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