not really a pet but you love it anyway!

We have a lot of oaks and quite a few hickories, so that makes this a great place for them. I think that's why we have so many. When the trees are bare, you can see their nests up in the tops of the trees, up in the woods. They still love sunflower seed, though and like to come down to the feeders and get what gets spilled by careless birds. The sunflower seed is what I put out for them, usually. They get a bit of corn or peanuts as a treat sometimes, too. Mainly I do it more when the weather is bad or there are young ones just starting out. One year we had one that came in the coop and ate layer feed for a few days. You could see it on the coop cam.

We have a couple of small ponds in the back and they like to come down to drink, too. Plus, I think they like all the berries we grow around the property. Some things I grow for us, some for the wildlife and some we all share. I guess that describes our veggie growing with the chickens, too. We have a lot of ground squirrels that are like chipmunks, too.
wow cool
she just started coming during the bad snow i have always fed the birds no matter what breed and alot of people use tiny bird feeders so the larger birds like the pigeons who are greedy or the magpies cant eat from them but they forget we have other birds too like the jay who is a wonderful colour will try and find a pick


cant find my pick but this is the bird we have a family of them come to feed everyday in the snow and they still come every now and then i put dried cherries out every now and then as a special treat (the wild birds cost me a fortune
) and you can bet the days the cherries are there they come i swear news spreads faster between the birds than on this forum but i do olove seeing them i used to feed them at my nans when i was little and in my parents garden
Oh, we have quite a few "non-pet" residents here at the farm. There is a family of rabbits near the back of our property that have gotten pretty relaxed about me being out there. They just scamper off a little bit, but don't run away.

There is a blue heron that lives on our biggest stock pond. He only flies away if I come to close and he complains all the way. Lol!

Then there is Junior. Junior is a roadrunner and he has the run of the place. He's the only small critter that goes into the backyard with my dogs--and lives to tell about it. The amazing thing is that the dogs ignore him. They actually look the other way when he steals dogfood from their bowls. Junior is quite a character. He really cracks me up.

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