Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

I got better pics of the 18 week old production red x crested cream legbar...I'm holding out a little hope for this one since 18 weeks may be close to POL for this hybrid and the body doesn't say roo yet to me...also, I'm hoping for lots of green eggs ;)

It sounds like the consensus is cockerel on the 18 week old blue ameraucana, but I'll post a pic from this morning anyway. It'd be fun to be told I'm wrong, however, this pic screams cockerel even to me ;)

Have a great day, Everyone!
This is a 6mo brahma.. Although it is the largest bird in the flock (a dozen birds, all about same age), being the only one of its breed it is usually bullied and prefers to wander alone. I can't determine its gender, hasn't crowed or laid yet.

This is a 6mo brahma.. Although it is the largest bird in the flock (a dozen birds, all about same age), being the only one of its breed it is usually bullied and prefers to wander alone. I can't determine its gender, hasn't crowed or laid yet.

View attachment 1126749
Looking deeply into their eyes doesn't do it for me. How about a picture of the whole bird?
Hello, I have a separate thread with pics of these chicks but have not received a definitive response for these 2. Hopefully someone here can help. These two out of my 5 older chicks have long tufts coming out of the back of their puffs. They actually wave around. They don't look very long in the pics compared to in-person. Male or female?
View attachment 1134399 View attachment 1134398 Hello, I have a separate thread with pics of these chicks but have not received a definitive response for these 2. Hopefully someone here can help. These two out of my 5 older chicks have long tufts coming out of the back of their puffs. They actually wave around. They don't look very long in the pics compared to in-person. Male or female?

I do not see any signs in these pics pointing to either gender right now. Too young. Silkies are a very tough breed to sex. Once in a while there's an easy one, but for most, the wait is very long before on can identify their gender. You may be able to tell when they get to 12-20 weeks or you might have to wait for a crow or an egg.
Female: rounded crest, flat back, narrow or very flat comb
Male: crest has hair-like strands, stands more upright with angled back, wider comb with an eventual raised bump.
I do not see any signs in these pics pointing to either gender right now. Too young. Silkies are a very tough breed to sex. Once in a while there's an easy one, but for most, the wait is very long before on can identify their gender. You may be able to tell when they get to 12-20 weeks or you might have to wait for a crow or an egg.
Female: rounded crest, flat back, narrow or very flat comb
Male: crest has hair-like strands, stands more upright with angled back, wider comb with an eventual raised bump.
Thank you. Two of the five older chicks (one not shown in this thread but guessed as a roo in another by two people) have much more noticeably bigger and bumpier combs than the others and my smallest chick that is separate from the older chicks also has a little bumpy comb coming in. I am afraid it is a male but these two pictured are the two that have long tufts jutting from the back of their puffs. They are so long they actually wave around when they move. Not sure if that is the pattern of growth (grow longer in the back first before filling out) or not...

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