Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

It's 80 degrees today, so I brought all the babies out of the brooder and into the outdoor run for photos. They are now five weeks old, and I am seeing some red combs!

Can you help me sex these chicks?
Chick #1 - Easter Egger. Stormfly is all personality, and a streak of lightning when s/he decides to run. Often gets involved in tiffs.

Chick # 2, Marans. I think Callisto is a pullet, based on the Marans chicks I had before. Thoughts?

Chick #3 Frizzled Easter Egger, black. I have no idea if this is Heather or Heath. Easter Eggers confuse me.

Chick #4 Frizzled Easter Egger, blue. Windshear does not have the little ridge that Heather does. Neither of the frizzles ever gets into fights, not ever.

Chick #5 - Jubilee Orpington, much smaller than (her?) brother, who has the big red wattles. Hoping that Charlotte is a girl, despite the pinkish comb and scuffles with boys.

Chick # 6 Easter Egger, suspected pullet.

Chick #7 Easter Egger. Loki is a suspected cockerel, who will not stand still for pics.

Thanks for any help you can give sorting out the boys from the girls.

ok, my niece and i have been trying to figure out which of the chicks she has is boy or girl, and was wondering if you guys could help. There's 2 broilers, 4 bantams, 2 Rhode island reds, 2 new Hampshire reds and 1 ameraucana.











It's 80 degrees today, so I brought all the babies out of the brooder and into the outdoor run for photos. They are now five weeks old, and I am seeing some red combs!

Can you help me sex these chicks?
Chick #1 - Easter Egger. Stormfly is all personality, and a streak of lightning when s/he decides to run. Often gets involved in tiffs.

Chick # 2, Marans. I think Callisto is a pullet, based on the Marans chicks I had before. Thoughts?

Chick #3 Frizzled Easter Egger, black. I have no idea if this is Heather or Heath. Easter Eggers confuse me.

Chick #4 Frizzled Easter Egger, blue. Windshear does not have the little ridge that Heather does. Neither of the frizzles ever gets into fights, not ever.

Chick #5 - Jubilee Orpington, much smaller than (her?) brother, who has the big red wattles. Hoping that Charlotte is a girl, despite the pinkish comb and scuffles with boys.

Chick # 6 Easter Egger, suspected pullet.

Chick #7 Easter Egger. Loki is a suspected cockerel, who will not stand still for pics.

Thanks for any help you can give sorting out the boys from the girls.

They all look female to me except for Loki.
They all look female to me except for Loki.
That would be amazing and wonderful! I have another chick that I thought was a cockerel, so I didn't post pics, but maybe I need another set of eyes to check it out again?

Chick #8, Mottled Orpington. Emily or Emilio? Friendly, gets in scuffles, smaller chick, pink comb, no visible wattles.

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