November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

Pandapaw-- SUPER cute pic!
Oooo! Looking at your already hatched pics makes me so excited about my upcoming expected hatch this weekend [Oct. 19]. Started out with 14 Wellies [Welsummers] and 7 BCM [Black Copper Marans] shipped eggs. I set them 2 weeks ago and then also added a half dozen fertile RIR [Rhode Island Red] cross eggs from a local coop. I set the last 6 as a sort of 'control' group to offset the known loss I would incur with the shipped eggs. This is my first attempt with shipped eggs and I had to remove 6 that were clear non-starters. So I am looking forward to hatch day with 21 possibles-- Yikes! That's a lot when you think about it- Ha! And I'm such a picker-- I hope I can keep my hands to myself.
SO Excited!
Hi everyone!

I was on the September hatchalong, figured I needed to move on to this one!

I had 2 exchequer leghorns hatch this week & 9 Blue Breda on lockdown.
I have eggs ordered so next week I'm putting in Super Blue layers, Blue Isbar, Swedish Flower Hens, Marraduna Basque, & Blue Salmon Favorelles.
This will be my last hatch until at least Spring.
sounds like some really amazing breeds
well the golden lakenvelder eggs aren't fertile!! shoot...the lady I bought them from offered me my money back...I want to try them again in the spring....about half the leghorns have quit...blood rings....remember I saw the mail lady drop them so not a huge surprise
the orloffs and favorelles are going good...maybe a few clears is all...
eggs or chicks?
didn't you say no more until spring??
I did. lol These are chicks and only just 3 days older than the ones that hatched this week.
They were easy to sneak into the brooder without my hubby's knowledge.

Well I can tell the difference, but he hasn't gotten that into it yet. He might notice soon, but it's already too late. They're MINE! lol
Here are my first two CCL x GLW girls :)

The oldest likes to bite my lip.. I think she is waiting for me to barf predigested worms at her or something... LOL! Not happening sweetheart ;)




And just for fun - here is what my oldest son did today instead of cleaning his room like I thought he was - yep that was permanent marker, LOL!

Snidely Whiplash

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