November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

I have been having a lot of problems with BYC. I inly typed that last one once. I clicked on quote but this is all that came up. I have been having a lot of problems with the quote as well. It's getting really annoying.

I have a 2 month old frizzle bantam cochin that is mating with Jack, my 2 month old mix with a bad leg. I also have a RIR that is 4 month old, trying to mate with my laying hens. Now I understand when people say it looks like a rodeo. One of my older roosters is trying to mate with my 4 month old hen. No where near laying. My 2 month old Mille Fleur D'Uccle is mating with anything that moves. Up until 2 weeks ago I never saw any of them even trying to hold their hand, now it is like chicken porn everytime I walk outside. What is going on? I feel sorry for some of them. Poor Cinnamon. She just started laying and she is all of their favorites. She is always sneaking in the house. I don't blame her. It's the only time she gets rest.
I have been having a lot of problems with BYC.  I inly typed that last one once.  I clicked on quote but this is all that came up.  I have been having a lot of problems with the quote as well.  It's getting really annoying.

I have a 2 month old frizzle bantam cochin that is mating with Jack, my 2 month old mix with a bad leg.  I also have a RIR that is 4 month old, trying to mate with my laying hens.  Now I understand when people say it looks like a rodeo.  One of my older roosters is trying to mate with my 4 month old hen.  No where near laying.  My 2 month old Mille Fleur D'Uccle is mating with anything that moves.  Up until 2 weeks ago I never saw any of them even trying to hold their hand, now it is like chicken porn everytime I walk outside.  What is going on?  I feel sorry for some of them.  Poor Cinnamon.  She just started laying and she is all of their favorites.  She is always sneaking in the house.  I don't blame her.  It's the only time she gets rest.  

This cracked me up... Chicken porn! Bahaha!:yuckyuck
UGH got up this morning and all my newbies were in the brooder...down to 80....watered leaked all over babies soaking wet!!! Please Lord don't let them catch anything!!
I cleaned them warmed them a put vet rx on the ones that looked in sad this time all are warming, fluffing, eating and drinking...I hate the waterer....gota figure something else!
Ive just candled and 3 out of 6 are developing. The other three have moving air sacks so maybe damaged in transit. Shame!
Well, I'm on day 5, and I want to candle soooo badly. But I've got a terrible cold - maybe the flu - so I'm staying away and having my daughter turn them. But I don't trust her to candle. So now I have to wait. Lol. I guess that's better. Most of them are Marans anyway. I'm still enjoying reading everyone else's posts. :)
Well, I'm on day 5, and I want to candle soooo badly. But I've got a terrible cold - maybe the flu - so I'm staying away and having my daughter turn them. But I don't trust her to candle. So now I have to wait. Lol. I guess that's better. Most of them are Marans anyway. I'm still enjoying reading everyone else's posts.
Hope you feel better soon. I'm on day 4 (day 5 begins at 5:30pm for me) and I want to candle so bad but with my weak light I need to wait. Hoping time speeds up -waiting is sooo hard!
UGH got up this morning and all my newbies were in the brooder...down to 80....watered leaked all over babies soaking wet!!! Please Lord don't let them catch anything!!
I cleaned them warmed them a put vet rx on the ones that looked in sad this time all are warming, fluffing, eating and drinking...I hate the waterer....gota figure something else!:rolleyes:
Oh no! Have you tried nippe waterers? I LOVE them. I just bought some nipples on Amazon and screw them into a used water or soda bottle's lid, poke a pin hole in the bottom of the bottle and then use a little wire to hang them in the end of the brooder (bin) through the holes in the handle. They figure it out really easily - no dirty water, no algae, no drowning danger, and no spilling.
11 of 13 chicks have hatched! The all have slightly protruding navals, but I think that is because I had to up the humidity to 70 - 75% since I had my two assisted chicks with exposed membrane. Both of those assisted chicks are out and looking great. I have one other one that had no issues but seems really weak compared to the rest. After he zipped he sat in the egg for a really long time and seemed like he could hardly lift his own head. So may lose that one. But it looks like 13 of 13 will make it through hatching.
11 of 13 chicks have hatched! The all have slightly protruding navals, but I think that is because I had to up the humidity to 70 - 75% since I had my two assisted chicks with exposed membrane. Both of those assisted chicks are out and looking great. I have one other one that had no issues but seems really weak compared to the rest. After he zipped he sat in the egg for a really long time and seemed like he could hardly lift his own head. So may lose that one. But it looks like 13 of 13 will make it through hatching.

Yay! Nice hatch!
11 of 13 chicks have hatched! The all have slightly protruding navals, but I think that is because I had to up the humidity to 70 - 75% since I had my two assisted chicks with exposed membrane. Both of those assisted chicks are out and looking great. I have one other one that had no issues but seems really weak compared to the rest. After he zipped he sat in the egg for a really long time and seemed like he could hardly lift his own head. So may lose that one. But it looks like 13 of 13 will make it through hatching.
aww...maybe it just needs to rest

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