
In the Brooder
11 Years
Oct 4, 2008
You guys are not going to believe this. Due to a mouse prob in our garage, we adopeted 2, 5 week old kittens. We have had them about 3 weeks now and our 5 year old Weimaraner (Schatzie) has tolerated them with a lot of of interest. She has always been the baby of the house. We were very careful, even tho she was never aggressive toward them, but she is still a hunting breed. Last night Mrs Yodelhawk came down with a bad headache and laid down on the bed. Schatzie snuggled up to her and the to of them dozed for a while. The kittens tore up the house for a while and when it appeard that they were pooped out, I put them on the bed to (just for giggles) Next thing my wife hears a sucking nois an low and behold, the kittens had "latched on" the our dog!!! At first she acted a little confused but then went back to sleep. We have never heard the kittens purr so loudly. They stayed on her for abour 30 min and we did get a pic.

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Dog was not lactating and sorry, it took me a while to figure out how to post the pic.
when we got our female kitten at 8 weeks she would nurse alot...on our male cat. Both would purr really loudly. I guess comfort to both of them. You never know who will love you!

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