NY chicken lover!!!!

Well, we're both in upstate NY. Maybe we live closer than we know

The awful thing is, they have chickens too, so I'm sure the dog is tearing those poor birds apart and they just don't care. I think I will call the spca, but sadly in my area they just don't do much. I called them once on a hoarder 'friend' of mine that I've taken in birds from before that he was keeping illegally in tiny cages. He also 'breeds' rabbits and never changes the cages, has tons of intact males that spray, and they constantly run out of water. Did I mention he keeps them all in his bedroom? Along with bunches of reptiles, and breeding colonies rats and mice to feed those reptiles? And a couple sugar gliders and ferrets too, why not? Also two dogs and a bunch of cats. They all live in that one room. Well, they sent untrained police officers instead of people from the humane society who actually know what they're looking for and long story short, he still has them all.
Yes, letting our dog roam is illegal, but there's nothing I can really do about it since my parents own the property (and the dog, technically) and are against fencing it. All I can do is be happy that he doesn't go off it (seven acres seem to be enough for him) and that even if he did he wouldn't be killing chickens.

Today was a better day. Got a lot done on the new duck/goose house and spent lots of time playing with my overgrown gosling, which is always fun. Got doused when she was swimming in the pool and started flapping. No signs of the attacking dog, so so far so good on that front. I'm hoping they really are keeping him tied or have him in one of the fenced pastures.
my sister had a "friend" who was basically hoarding animals, keeping them in unsafe and unsanitary ways. This was another "rabbit breeder".. She called the spca twice (my sister actually listed specific laws which were being violated the second time). Regular cops came out and pretty much said "carry on" and left.

Post Standard ran an article today on Farm Fresh eggs! Here is a video that they uploaded today too!

I saw that too and intend to write a letter giving folks the information she left out. The nutrition of your pastured chicken egg is MORE than tasty, it's healthier. Even non organic eggs are healthier. Also to let them know about P. Formans book and perhaps get the folks in power to change their stance on banning chickens in the city.
Morning All,

First and foremost - Pyxis - Very sorry to hear of all your troubles last week! That is just awful! I really hope you figure out a way to put those neighbors of yours in their place. And I would definitely be letting them know that the next time it happens they will NOT being seeing their dog again.

Everyone else - I hope you all had an enjoyable Memorial Weekend! I didn't do much. Just relaxed with the kids, hung out outside for a while yesterday since it finally warmed up. Haven't done nothing on a weekend in a long time, so it was nice.

Not sure how the hatch rate is going to work on these eggs. Not sure was happened but I set them all Saturday morning after the bator had been at a steady 100 degrees from Friday at noon until Saturday morning. All was well Saturday into Sunday and yesterday I noticed it had dropped into the low 90's. Then then a raised it a bit the thermometer it came with went up and over 105! So I'm like this cant be right, placed the other thermometer back in there that I bought separately and it was at 100. So I'm glad I bought another thermometer because like the reviews stated, the one it comes with doesn't always read the correct temp. So we'll see what happens in a couple more days when I try candling.

Yesterday I was outside with the kids, cleaning up their toys in the yard when all of a sudden the peeps coming from the duck house were getting louder and louder. Well I look over and here comes one of the ducklings waddling down the hill with this look of "Hey Guys, what about us?!?" All of a sudden my son looks over and is like "OMG the ducks are loose!" I look up the hill and here comes #2, followed by #3! (they don't have names yet) It was sooo funny to see them running over to us. But at the same time I was freaking out because they are so fast, I was worried we wouldn't catch them. But we did, brought them back up to their coop and tried figuring out how on earth they got out. They're pretty big now so I was shocked when I saw this little area in the corner that was lifted up off the ground. That had to be how they got out. I have latches on the coop that hook into the run to keep anything from separating it from the run, so those weren't unlatched. They had to of crawled under that little opening. Guess, I gotta work on that today! I'm not worried about it at night because the door to the coop closes up. So even if something were to get in the run, it's not getting in that coop. Still, it was quite the scene! LOL
Last call for chicks. We have a bunch. 30 or so. $2 each. Will be going to the auction this weekend. Australorp, D'Uccle, mixed. PM me if interested.

I no longer go to the auction. It's too far to drive and not worth the time or gas. It's less trouble for me to give them away first. Right now I've got folks negotiating with rabbit poop. I take what I can get.

I got 10 mostly EE's with peacombs. One is a blue or dark lavender orp I think. Some definite roos but only about 2 or 3 I think. It's all or nothing. One or two Birchens too.

And that's not even dealing with the ones the broodies have.

Finally got a chance to get on the real computer to upload the stuck duck pics.

And today we were able to identify it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_Merganser

Hi - trying to catch up on posts after being away for a couple of days. This one sure caught my eye, being a bird enthusiast.

You are correct in identifying the female merganser. Although I've had birds in our chimney pipe before, I would never have imagine a diving duck such as the merganser.

On further thought, she was likely trying to check out what seemed like a good nesting site -- they are cavity nesters. Guess she made a really poor choice!

Morning All,

First and foremost - Pyxis - Very sorry to hear of all your troubles last week! That is just awful! I really hope you figure out a way to put those neighbors of yours in their place. And I would definitely be letting them know that the next time it happens they will NOT being seeing their dog again.

Everyone else - I hope you all had an enjoyable Memorial Weekend! I didn't do much. Just relaxed with the kids, hung out outside for a while yesterday since it finally warmed up. Haven't done nothing on a weekend in a long time, so it was nice.

Not sure how the hatch rate is going to work on these eggs. Not sure was happened but I set them all Saturday morning after the bator had been at a steady 100 degrees from Friday at noon until Saturday morning. All was well Saturday into Sunday and yesterday I noticed it had dropped into the low 90's. Then then a raised it a bit the thermometer it came with went up and over 105! So I'm like this cant be right, placed the other thermometer back in there that I bought separately and it was at 100. So I'm glad I bought another thermometer because like the reviews stated, the one it comes with doesn't always read the correct temp. So we'll see what happens in a couple more days when I try candling.

Yesterday I was outside with the kids, cleaning up their toys in the yard when all of a sudden the peeps coming from the duck house were getting louder and louder. Well I look over and here comes one of the ducklings waddling down the hill with this look of "Hey Guys, what about us?!?" All of a sudden my son looks over and is like "OMG the ducks are loose!" I look up the hill and here comes #2, followed by #3! (they don't have names yet) It was sooo funny to see them running over to us. But at the same time I was freaking out because they are so fast, I was worried we wouldn't catch them. But we did, brought them back up to their coop and tried figuring out how on earth they got out. They're pretty big now so I was shocked when I saw this little area in the corner that was lifted up off the ground. That had to be how they got out. I have latches on the coop that hook into the run to keep anything from separating it from the run, so those weren't unlatched. They had to of crawled under that little opening. Guess, I gotta work on that today! I'm not worried about it at night because the door to the coop closes up. So even if something were to get in the run, it's not getting in that coop. Still, it was quite the scene! LOL
Do you have your incubator in a room without drafts & where the temperature won't change? That is really important. They have to be out of sunlight, and not near a door or window that is closed or opened. The ambient temperature will affect it. Especially keep away from a window that might let the sunshine in. The incubator will heat up because its not efficient in cooling off. The thermometer that came with the incubator will not be off 5 degrees like that. This time of year when the temps outside go up & down, can make incubating more difficult if you have your heat turned off. I'm assuming you have a Styrofoam incubator? They are notoriously difficult to regulate, especially the little giants.
I have them in my laundry room which has been keeping at a temp of 64-67. This is what I bought the extra thermometer for and the temp of that room hadn't changed much all weekend. The temp of the incubator hasn't moved much this morning since I fiddled with it a bit. Its staying around 100-101 now.

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