NY chicken lover!!!!

Morning all! Another hot and humid day. Yuk. Dh put the little one down last night. Its always difficult when you have to end a life for whatever reason. At least its no longer suffering. We put the rir tots in the divas coop last night on their own smaller perch. All went well with that. This morning I go and open the pop door and just get back in the house when I hear the babies screaming. I look out the window and all the girls are outside except Betty. She was in the coop pecking at the tots. So I go back outside, close the pop door and open the door and fish her out of the coop and throw her outside. She is now stalking around the run and coop, upset that she is not inside with the others. However, peace now reigns supreme as the rest of the girls are just hanging out in the run on their roost while the tots are inside the coop eating breakfast. I expect they will be out soon. The only one who bothers the babies is Betty. She will be left out today to fend for herself with some water in a shady spot. She is still stalking around the coop and run and its been an hour. Perhaps a few days of this will teach her a lesson.

While I was out this morning I saw a robin chasing a squirrel through a tree. I then saw something drop from the tree. Turns out to be the robins nest. The squirrel must have been robbing it and the robin was defending its nest. I didnt see any eggs or babies. Another reason to hate those evil furry tree rats.

Breela---I dont believe that Pearl laid that many eggs in 24 hours. I suspect that either she laid them over a period of days and you didnt see them or someone else laid them. Either way, she has quite the collection going on. The eggs can be easy to miss if they hide them and I have a couple of silkie girls who do that. Thats when I usually find them going from sitting on one or two to suddenly having six. They are very sneaky about their eggs that way!

Stony---do your baby ducks ever get species identity issues with having a chicken mommy??? lol

Okay---off to the pharm for more fun and adventures. Hen---hope you have been reading the cynical pharmacist. She has been on a roll!
No one is saying it, so I will. Chickens don't lay 4 eggs in 24 hours. I suspect your other chickens are older than you know and are laying their eggs in Pearl's nest. You cannot tell my D'uccle eggs from each other. They all look alike, but they are laid by different hens. I suspect that is what is happening in your coop.

My earlier research said that it takes 25 hours from the time the egg leaves the top of the egg tract for it to exit the hen's body. (Somewhere I saw 23 hours, too.) Given that, it is possible for a hen to lay 2 in 24 hours but not 4. Hens will lay where the eggs are, which is why people mark the eggs they want to leave under the broody for hatching and remove extra eggs laid in the nest daily.
I don't think that would work on the boys plus they lift their leg outside only anyway I really don't worry too much about it. Obviously when we are doing focus heel and other focus work they don't mark obviously so no worries.
I asked about the device because you said "we" mark the neighborhood.
I was wondering how you were a party to the marking.
I don't care what kind of egg it is, that is a stupid amount of money. You are not alone, that is plain insanity
An egg is an egg, and chicken taste like chicken.

and jlaw: It's sort of like "insurance" on maintaining a breed. If people are interested in the Mongolian Pansy Snapper chicken, and sell it for $53 per straight run bird.... if you buy them, you are going to be sure you are only breeding Mongolian Pansy Snappers with one another, you know, since you spent so dad blanged much on them. So, it does (kind of) have its place. However.... if you want a pretty bird and eggs and/or meat you can get them for $3 or less, often free.
Good morning mini vacation is over, did my 340am run with the dogs. I always see the most interesting this at that hour, love that two guys holla'd at me "hey mama". I politely said hey back and ran faster thanks to my two dogs who have no interest in protecting my lol! Anywho time start work lots of dogs and cats need bath and haircuts!
Haha! Don't you just love crude cat-calls?

This is what I had in my side yard before I left for work this am. A baby bunny out with the girls.
i am hailing from grahamsville ny and we have 14- 4 wk old baby girls
Hi New Person!
I didn't want to be the one.

I read a lot of the Chicken stuff and magazines and like to pass the info along but I think I run the risk of being a Know it All. Really I'm just regurgitating what I've read. PP mag is $7.99 not something every one can afford. IMO.

DW and I like to go to Barnes and Nobles and we sit there drink coffee and read magazines. That's where I read about mint keeping rats away. Not sure it works but anything is worth a try.
I would never call you a know it all and no one else should either I love reading your posts your are very knowledgeable and I appreciate the info. So you just keep regurgitating
I had someone tell me they want to be a PT so they can hurt people.

I don't use Sevin in or near my chickens. I do use DE for dusting the floor and in the nest box corners at cleaning time. I think it helps to keep thing dry. Dark and moist areas are breeding grounds for mites. That's why I hate wet weather.
I've never used this method. If a chick is newborn or only a few days old...........well I prefer not to say, most generally I believe a wrung neck is faster. IMO. I do put a bag over their head first though.

I use a pair of sharp kitchen shears. It's instantaneous.

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