NY chicken lover!!!!

I wouldn't go that far. My gooseberries, currants , rhubarb and raspberries didn't do so good last year. It got too wet. I'm not a quitter so I'll try again after amending the area some.

My beds had to be raised as there were huge chunks of tarvia and I couldn't dig them out. I filled them with straw, top soil, horse manure and store bought Garden soil. Cheap if I can get it. It doesn't matter since I mix my own. I also of course use coop cleanings.

My garlic is planted and covered with hay or staw. That I just mix in after it's done. Because raised beds don't get walked on the soil doesn't get packed down. Any weeds and plants come up easy.

Some years are better than others.

Nice! Sure hope your garlic does good this year! My future MIL wants us to grow her garlic, she uses a LOT of garlic...haha! I'm not sure if some brands do better than others. Our family grew little tiny garlic plants but it was used years ago to keep things away from plants that they wanted, so it was dispersed into garden areas to keep away pests. Very small bulbs but also had that top bulb growing on the plant. Those still come up, like weeds. I'm not sure about what garlic has the best large bulbs, but future MIL will certainly tell me what her favorite is and we'll give it a try. She's an amazing cook, we get her ingredients, we will eat really good food! Yum!

My folks started out with 1 raspberry plant from I think Walmart and now their whole yard is filled with red raspberries. They have a LOT of new strands. They always ask if anyone wants some. I'll likely take a few for spring this year to help them clear some space. The red raspberries they have are ripe in July and continue on until there's a frost, even going strong into November. Are you attending the chicken party? If so shall I bring some raspberry strands for you? These are red ones. We have black raspberries too but they are not as prolific and not as good. There is also a white variety of raspberry that we would sometimes find wild and pick. I haven't seen them around lately.
I wouldn't go that far.  My gooseberries,  currants , rhubarb and raspberries didn't do so good last year. It got too wet.  I'm not a quitter so I'll try again after amending the area some.  

My beds had to be raised as there were huge chunks of tarvia and I couldn't dig them out.  I filled them with straw, top soil, horse manure and store bought Garden soil.  Cheap if I can get it.  It doesn't matter since I mix my own.  I also of course use coop cleanings.   

My garlic is planted and covered with hay or staw.  That I just mix in after it's done.   Because raised beds don't get walked on the soil doesn't get packed down.  Any weeds and plants come up easy. 

Some years are better than others.  

I love garlic but can't grow it good maybe need more manure. Next year should be better with the chicken compost
I think it was wet for everyone last year. Everything was so slow to grow in my garden. I was finally picking stuff in September that should of been picked in July & August. Even in my raised bed that's years of work was slow to grow, hopefully the cover crop helped and the addition of coop litter & leaves. I expanded my garden last year tripling it in size. So I knew some areas the soil was not great. But every spring I add peat moss, manure and leaves and compost. So hopefully this year will be better than last year. I want to try and add some smaller raised beds in it for some plants. But it's so much easier to rototill it all when it's just one big space
Nice! Sure hope your garlic does good this year! My future MIL wants us to grow her garlic, she uses a LOT of garlic...haha! I'm not sure if some brands do better than others. Our family grew little tiny garlic plants but it was used years ago to keep things away from plants that they wanted, so it was dispersed into garden areas to keep away pests. Very small bulbs but also had that top bulb growing on the plant. Those still come up, like weeds. I'm not sure about what garlic has the best large bulbs, but future MIL will certainly tell me what her favorite is and we'll give it a try. She's an amazing cook, we get her ingredients, we will eat really good food! Yum!

My folks started out with 1 raspberry plant from I think Walmart and now their whole yard is filled with red raspberries. They have a LOT of new strands. They always ask if anyone wants some. I'll likely take a few for spring this year to help them clear some space. The red raspberries they have are ripe in July and continue on until there's a frost, even going strong into November. Are you attending the chicken party? If so shall I bring some raspberry strands for you? These are red ones. We have black raspberries too but they are not as prolific and not as good. There is also a white variety of raspberry that we would sometimes find wild and pick. I haven't seen them around lately.

There are many different kinds of garlic, but two types. Soft neck and hard neck. I had an Heirloom gardening magazine that had an article about it. I buy mine at the Farmers market and buy some from different venders. Store bought can be planted but may have been treated with a growth inhibitor. Anyhow I plant a lot and different kinds. That way if one doesn't do well another might. DW still has some left from last year. You can never have to much garlic.

I expect to be at the picnic. DW has already said she'll be making something though I don't know what. Last year was not a good year for some as it was so wet. Still I have a friend who gave me some berries and I paid to pick some. I make jams and donate some to the church so I use a lot and want to grow a lot. Some day if we sell this place it will be a nice little Hobby Farm. With four bedrooms it will make a nice place for a family.

I'd like to take the time to mention that my garden didn't happen all in one year. I added on each year. Building new beds and then filling them as money allowed. My first year I was sitting on the lawn with a paint brush pollinating the Buttercup squash as there were no bees around. I hope to put up a hive or two before I'm done.
Whew! Just did a mile on the treadmill on my lunch break. Everyone in here is talking about gardens and making me wish for spring! I want to do a raised bed garden this year, and it'll be the first time I've ever done it. I'm not sure where I'm going to get the soil though. My soil is pretty full of clay and last time I tried a garden not much grew. I might be able to take some soil from my grandfather's garden if he doesn't use the second bed this year. Although last time I really tried a garden was before I had chickens and poultry - I'm betting the soil is much better off now that it's been pooped on for years.
I had to finally put the chick with the leg problem down. The hock was deformed and facing the wrong way and the more the chick grew the easier it was to see there was no fixing what was wrong. The reason the leg was out to the side was because the chick couldn't actually bend it to hold it under itself. So, down to 5 Easter Egger chicks, two of which I am pretty sure already are going to be roosters. All of which have facial tufts! All but one have leg feathering, starting to look pretty interesting.

Also got my first solid egg from Septembers chicks today! It's a pale tinted, beautiful thing that I can't wait to see darken up over the next few weeks. The other girls should be brownish based on their crosses.
I had to finally put the chick with the leg problem down. The hock was deformed and facing the wrong way and the more the chick grew the easier it was to see there was no fixing what was wrong. The reason the leg was out to the side was because the chick couldn't actually bend it to hold it under itself. So, down to 5 Easter Egger chicks, two of which I am pretty sure already are going to be roosters. All of which have facial tufts! All but one have leg feathering, starting to look pretty interesting.

Also got my first solid egg from Septembers chicks today! It's a pale tinted, beautiful thing that I can't wait to see darken up over the next few weeks. The other girls should be brownish based on their crosses.

I'm sorry :hugs It had a slipped tendon like the silkie chick I had to put down did. If you don't catch it within the first few days there's no fixing it. Congrats on the egg!

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