NY chicken lover!!!!

Morning all. Long day yesterday. Our melt turned into ice overnight. My driveway, road and pathways are a giant skating rink. The good news is that enough snow has melted out of Little Mans run that he and the girls are out of the coop today. The warmup is nice but the humidity is causing the litter to be so damp in the coops. I turn it over every day but its still not drying out because of the humidity. We got 9 eggs yesterday! Yea! I hope they keep coming. Shorter work day today so I can get some stuff done when I get home. The boys must have spring fever because they were all crowing to get out early this morning.

Why--your boys are looking good.

Gramma--feather sexing isnt easy either. I have been fooled before. Definately cant feathersex silkies. I have better luck with combs. I can guess pretty good by looking at how far back a comb goes on a chicks head. Weird I know but I have guessed more right this way. Of course there is always one who stumps me.

Time to run. Have a good day everyone!
Has anyone heard about the farmers market opening up in Fayetteville on Thursdays? There was an article about it in Eagle Bulletin this week.


Looks interesting, nice to not have to go all the way downtown and fight parking (I could ride my bicycle to this one!). I'm way too overjoyed about this and hope it does well so it sticks around.
Has anyone heard about the farmers market opening up in Fayetteville on Thursdays? There was an article about it in Eagle Bulletin this week.


Looks interesting, nice to not have to go all the way downtown and fight parking (I could ride my bicycle to this one!). I'm way too overjoyed about this and hope it does well so it sticks around.

I have not, but am headed to the one on Park st today. I like to buy bags of greens for the girls and a bag of coffee for the house or anything else. Plants should be coming soon I hope. If this weather breaks and spring comes.

Don't know why everyone looks for that stupid Ground hog. He don't bring nothing. I look for the Easter Bunny.
Lynzii, whatta you hear on the Bunny Line ?
Yesterday and the day before I saw a bluebird. It was perched on a post outside my kitchen window. Don't think they migrate, but I don't see them much in the winter. Also saw a flock of what may have been cedar waxwings. They were really stunning with very chic black masks.

It poured/snowed/sleet all through our visit at my parents yesterday. It wasn't so bad watching it through a window. It quit by the time we left for home. Now our yard is one big skating rink today.
Well, good news and bad news over here. My hen with a prolapse passed away yesterday. She didn't reprolapse and I didn't lose an egg, so she wasn't even laying. I'm not really sure what happened there. However, I finally got my first green egg so I'm good to go to hatch chicks for one of my friends who's wanting twelve from me. Now if the ducks would just start laying! I also hatched two chicks yesterday in my brinsea, and they are adorable. I think I'm going to like this incubator. One more test hatch to see, and if I do, I'll pick up the automatic turner for it.
Well, good news and bad news over here. My hen with a prolapse passed away yesterday. She didn't reprolapse and I didn't lose an egg, so she wasn't even laying. I'm not really sure what happened there. However, I finally got my first green egg so I'm good to go to hatch chicks for one of my friends who's wanting twelve from me. Now if the ducks would just start laying! I also hatched two chicks yesterday in my brinsea, and they are adorable. I think I'm going to like this incubator. One more test hatch to see, and if I do, I'll pick up the automatic turner for it.

Stony (who remains amoung the missing) prostulates that chickens with genetic defects die about the age of 7 - 8 months. Seemingly for no reason at all. I am starting to believe he might be right, given the number of stories I hear about chickens "just dieing". (And my own experience of having 2 do the same thing to me, one after a "fixed" prolapse) I guess it is God's (or mother nature's or Goddess's) way of making sure that only the most genetically perfect reproduce.

I am sorry for your loss and rejoice in the first egg experience with you. Happy Hatching.
Stony (who remains amoung the missing) prostulates that chickens with genetic defects die about the age of 7 - 8 months. Seemingly for no reason at all. I am starting to believe he might be right, given the number of stories I hear about chickens "just dieing". (And my own experience of having 2 do the same thing to me, one after a "fixed" prolapse) I guess it is God's (or mother nature's or Goddess's) way of making sure that only the most genetically perfect reproduce.

I am sorry for your loss and rejoice in the first egg experience with you. Happy Hatching.
I too had a prolapse hen die @ about 7 months. Nothing I could do - and she was a beautiful little NN too. =(
Yesterday and the day before I saw a bluebird. It was perched on a post outside my kitchen window. Don't think they migrate, but I don't see them much in the winter. Also saw a flock of what may have been cedar waxwings. They were really stunning with very chic black masks.

We have lots of bird activity over here too, I'm hearing so many!
Well, good news and bad news over here. My hen with a prolapse passed away yesterday. She didn't reprolapse and I didn't lose an egg, so she wasn't even laying. I'm not really sure what happened there. However, I finally got my first green egg so I'm good to go to hatch chicks for one of my friends who's wanting twelve from me. Now if the ducks would just start laying! I also hatched two chicks yesterday in my brinsea, and they are adorable. I think I'm going to like this incubator. One more test hatch to see, and if I do, I'll pick up the automatic turner for it.

aw sorry for your loss Pyxis but grats on the hatch babies.

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