NY chicken lover!!!!

Today is a lucky day after all, being St. Patty's Day and all ;-) Not only did I get a duck egg but I just an egg from my splash Silkie hen who hasn't laid an egg since I got home from CT. I'll be up to 5 eggs set aside already by the end of the day that'll go into my incubator. Just waiting in my Lavender's egg so I can get it before it gets too cold.

Three chicks I'm holding onto from my hatch...(found homes for the 4 toed chicks today)
look how perfect and beautiful they are!
Oh happy day....2 Sebastapol eggs and actually in the barn, not outside frozen into the snow! Thats 5 I'm putting into the incubator today...praying to the fertility gods.
look how perfect and beautiful they are! 

I just wish they had better feet feathering...they didn't come from the nicest looking birds but I want to see how they feather out anyway. One is going to be a very light splash, one blue splash and the other a not so dark blue- all colors I've been looking for.
that is awesome! love those geese. good job on them making it easier for you to get the eggs
I just wish they had better feet feathering...they didn't come from the nicest looking birds but I want to see how they feather out anyway. One is going to be a very light splash, one blue splash and the other a not so dark blue- all colors I've been looking for.

yes, you might get a surprise! thankfully animals don't always throw "themselves" and some other lineage kicks in. they are so freaking cute but I understand you are after improvement and certain qualities. .

Well, my 25 Orloff chicks have left Tuscon, AZ. on their way! won't be here too soon for me.
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Guess I need to start keeping my ducks in past 8am in the morning otherwise I'll be on an egg hunt every morning. I let them out this morning before I brought my son to school (7:30am), no eggs were in the coop. Well when I returned around 8 I noticed they were all laying down out front in my flower bed...which was new to me. I just got home from the restaurant and decided to check for eggs out front since there were none in the coop and they were laying there this morning for over an hour and there to my surprise was an egg in laying in the mulch!
Wonder how many others are laying around in the yard somewhere.
Anyone interested in some Easter Egger chicks? 6 weeks old likely three hens and two roosters going by their feathering. Mostly mixes of black and white, two Roos have red wings and chests. Duane is the Roo so likely to become nice size birds very fast and lay blue/green/possibly olive eggs.
Well I'm going to have to keep an eye on my cuckoo maran. She had something hanging from rear end so I managed to net her and turned out to be a shell. I slowly pulled on it and I think I got just about all of it out. I hope if anything left in there doesn't cause a problem and she can pass it with her next egg. She had an egg on coop of floor today which she never does and her eggs have been kinda spotty with coloring being lighter so I guess egg has been in side for a bit and she's been passing eggs by it.

Got my sportsman and already starting my egg hatching figure I'm going to try and do about 30 chicks a weekend as long as I can keep buyers coming.

I let my chickens that I hatched for the nyd hatch along out with the other birds today and they seemed to get along ok but the younger ones ran and kept to themselves. Left both coop doors open so will see who sleeps where tonight, wife will have fun trying to count them all lol.
Well now I'm confused, this whole time I've been thinking that my Blue Orp has been laying the egg I get a day from that coop. Today when I got home Gru and the Blue hen flew out of the chicken yard (the fence has been drooping because of the snow) but Stella was still in the coop/chicken yard. I checked the nestbox for eggs and there were none in there. I left the fencing alone, didn't open it, didn't try to get the other two back in. Well I went out there a little while later and there was an egg from Stella in the nest box, still warm, so I know I didn't miss it from earlier. So either Stella has been laying them this whole time or they each lay one every other day and trying to confuse me. I know I've seen that Blue hen in the nest box so that's why I thought it was her. Plus the eggs seem to have gotten a little darker brown since last year.

I did buy a kitchen scale at Target today, maybe I'll go weigh all the orp eggs I have and see if there are many others that are bigger than this one I got today. Maybe those are the Blue's and the smaller ones are Stellas?? who knows.

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