NY chicken lover!!!!

Quote: a pan of cool dry wood ash will prevent mites and if they do have them kill them. The hens self bath in it
It got rid of mine and the mites have not returned
a pan of cool dry wood ash will prevent mites and if they do have them kill them.  The hens self bath in it :)    It got rid of mine and the mites have not returned

I've heard this works well but I don't have a wood stove, my neighbor does tho. Maybe I'll venture over there today and see if they could throw some in a bucket for me. :)
So I'm an idiot LOL DH was getting ready for work and I was telling him how I might go out and buy a fire pit so I could also turn around and use the wood ash too and he asked what I needed wood ash for and told me he could bring home buckets full. Duh! He's got smokers going all day long at work and has to eventually empty the ash out of the pits! Didn't even think to ask him to bring some home. Wow, if I only had asked him LAST summer I never would have ran into the whole mite problem to begin with!
I do give them wood ashes, and they love them, but they spread them all over and not everyone gets a bath. I went to the feed stoe with gloves and a carton to beg the ashes from their stove. The jury is out on what my guys burned in the wood stove at our shop...but it may be ok. I think I will lay down the law on that.
Morning everyone, the ashes seem like an awesome idea, I will have to start setting some aside for when the girls get to go outside. I also got a call back from a lady that runs the farmers markets and looks like I finally found a place where I can sell my eggs. On another note, also woke up to one of the chicks ontop of the feeder, so looks like today I will be finding ways to build up the brooder wall and something ontop on the feeders so they cant get out, I didnt know they could "fly" this young.

Little Daisy Duke, on top of the feeder, go figure I name her that and she does stuff like this haha
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