Odd color egg ISA Brown


7 Years
May 18, 2017
North Carolina
My Coop
My Coop
My 4 ISA Browns have been laying for about a month now (hatch date March 10 2023) and have been consistently smooth rich brown eggs with strong shells today I get this lighter one with Etch-aSketch pattern Mostly free range in suburb backyard, layer pellets and cracked corn when they’re in their run ..normal? Concerns? Central NC
Ive had barred rocks that have done that I think its because there like either too much or not enough calcium in there diet
Most all of my brown egg layers either consistently or occasionally lay spotted eggs rather than flat-brown. They can be just a few spots or a bunch. I give them quality food and they have plenty of free range time and access to calcium.

I really don't think it is an issue at all, but it doesn't hurt to keep an eye on future eggs.

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