Odd lesion on hock


In the Brooder
Jul 18, 2022
Edit: I went ahead and added photos of what it looks like now. I thought they might be a bit gruesome to post, but I really do feel this is something odd and may help clarify. I feel that it’s more than just a wound. Obviously I could be very wrong though, which is why I’m here! 😎

I was wondering if anyone has seen this type of wound in a chicken? 2 month old pullet that is only allowed in a 4x8 pen with others in the same age group until they are a little bigger to not be hawk bait. This is its progression over a few days. It’s actually much worse now (the whole hock looks like a severely infected tumor), and we will be euthanizing. I’m just curious if this could be some odd form of bumblefoot. My brain automatically went to cancer when I first saw how circular the lesion was. But now I’m wondering if the Staph bacteria that causes bumblefoot could have also caused this. I haven’t seen any bumblefoot lesions look like this, and it’s just super odd because of the location and she doesn’t free roam at all. Pen is super clean and moved to a new location everyday. This is a new breed (Whiting true blue), and I’ve had problems with 4 out of the 5 I purchased. 3 died during shipment or shortly after arrival and one that did survive looked dead out of the box. No problems with any of the other 30 chicks I ordered!


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I would try to treat the wound if she is able to stand and walk. Has she always walked normally? It could be a pecking injury, or possibly a rat bite. Initially, I would soak the leg or wound in Hibiclens and water, warm Epsom salts water, or water with Betadine. Once dry, apply plain antibiotic ointment twice a day. How much room do they have in the pen or crate?

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