% of protein to use for ducklings and quail


6 Years
Jan 17, 2018
Northern Ontario
just wondering if I can get away with buying feed I can use for my quail and ducklings. My quail are 6 and 9 weeks and my ducklings are 3 weeks. I can only get 50# bags and I had purchased a turkey starter which was 28% protein but I’m thinking it may be too high now. I also buy layercrumble for my chickens and have oyster shells and mealworm farm I can add into anyone feeds. I just really can’t afford to buy 3 different types of food for each. Any advice how I can do this?
You def need to cut the protein in your feed for the ducklings especially at the age they are to help keep the issue of angel wing in control. You can add some reg oatmeal to their feed not sure how much you'd need to add to it though. you don't want to feed them layer because of the calcium and mealworms although nice as a treat and during molt is just going to add to the protein content. Most of us that use anything other than chick starter feed An all flock feed at 20% is that to low a protein level for your Quail?
Ok. Thanks what I was thinking that the protein was too high. I’m newer to quail so I’m not too sure. I was hoping to buy a bag that was maybe 20-22% and be able to feed to both the ducks and quail and then supplement with mealworms or oyster shells to help meet their needs
Look at Purina Flock Raiser it is formulated for All poultry so I'd assume it means quail also. Call the company if you want they are a good group to talk too. I believe it's 20% I have never had a problem feeding my ducks or geese the 20% and what is nice about this feed is you can start them out on it and feed it through out their lives.
Ok. It’s basically saying 28% is good for the quails from hatch to lay then 20% is ideal. So I think I should be (lol) good to get a 20% for both. Is it a huge deal to be 1-2 % higher or lower in protein? I think it would be higher if anything all 3 get some mealworm treats once or twice a week

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