Ended Official BYC 2023 Summer Fair Contest—Standard-Bred Chicken Show

I love the last picture! She is beautiful!
Awww. Thank you. I will tell her.
When she was a little chick she became paralyzed and was unable to walk.
Turned out it was a Vitamin B issue and after a lot of intensive care she recovered - it means I am always happy to see her flaunting her lovely long legs.
In case you are interested here is her paralysis story.
Awww. Thank you. I will tell her.
When she was a little chick she became paralyzed and was unable to walk.
Turned out it was a Vitamin B issue and after a lot of intensive care she recovered - it means I am always happy to see her flaunting her lovely long legs.
In case you are interested here is her paralysis story.
I am SO glad she is ok now! :hugs That had to be traumatic on both of you!
Age: 5 months
Breed: blue Americauna
gender: cockerel
name: puffo

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