Ended Official BYC Article Writing Contest #2

Okay, serious question. Or two. When is the next one? How would you save something you're working on?

Great questions!

The next one will be right after this one (posted about the same time).

You can "save" your article by just writing it in the Member Pages section and then once we have the contest you can link to it.
After a long and rigorous review process we're SUPER excited to announce the winners of our second BYC Article Writing Contest:

First Place:

myfivegirls Composting with Chickens
fowlsessed New Ways to Keep a Flock While Learning Some Tips & Tricks to Reduce Your Feed Costs

Second Place:

myfivegirls Encouraging or Discouraging Broodiness in Your Hens
cochins1088 Broody Hens vs. Incubators - The Pros and Cons
StarLover21 Chickens: Winter Egglaying and Molting

Third Place:

puravidatricia Coccidiosis: Prevention, Cure, and Natural Healing
Greasydog26 Pickin' the Right Frickin' Chicken
hdowden Is My Chicken a Pullet/Hen or Cockerel/Cock
The Chickeneer How to Keep Different Poultry Types Together in One Coop
Common Chicken Practices - How To Do So, Why, and Preventions

A huge CONGRATS to all the winners and a GREAT JOB to everyone that participated!!!

Note to winners: We'll be contacting you in the couple of days with your prizes. Your fantastic articles will be featured on the homepage of the site over the next few weeks and also added to our "Learning Center"!
Congrats everyone!
. Even if you didn't place everyone had amazing articles!
i got 3rd
thank you i am glade you liked my article congrats to everyone else who won and a huge round of applause and thank you to each and everyone who entered the contest. everyone did a great job

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