Ended Official BYC Contest - Post your best (worst) chicken molt pics!

what about this little hen? needs a cover for winter ,she been like this all summer ,question what can I do for her she a good little layer but sometimes will back up for aways ,never seen one do that other than my black silkie hen she will stick, her head between her legs and start backing up
Don't know about the backing up, but is she a Frizzle?
what about this little hen? needs a cover for winter ,she been like this all summer ,question what can I do for her she a good little layer but sometimes will back up for aways ,never seen one do that other than my black silkie hen she will stick, her head between her legs and start backing up
Don't know about the backing up, but is she a Frizzle?
I was going to ask about frizzle too.
Backing up is a sign of neurological issues.
If she's been bare all summer,
best to start a new thread here about that and the backing up behavior.
"I feel a draft. Does anyone else feel a draft?"View attachment 1925835

OMG - That is so my barred rocks. Is anyone else noticing a trend in molting sites? Barred Rock butts are getting flashed everywhere around here too! Butt <haha> question- how long from bare tush to starting to see pin feathers? It's been a few weeks, and I'm getting concerned. It's hard for me to tell if my OCD buff orp is 'helping' her flockmates- I've seen a little pecking damage and she's my most likely culprit. If they lose those pinfeathers, at some point do they stop growing back?
OMG - That is so my barred rocks. Is anyone else noticing a trend in molting sites? Barred Rock butts are getting flashed everywhere around here too! Butt <haha> question- how long from bare tush to starting to see pin feathers? It's been a few weeks, and I'm getting concerned. It's hard for me to tell if my OCD buff orp is 'helping' her flockmates- I've seen a little pecking damage and she's my most likely culprit. If they lose those pinfeathers, at some point do they stop growing back?

Sophia is actually a Cuckoo Maran (which looks a lot like Barred Rock). How long does it take for them to get their butts covered again? From our experience, the answer is...a very long time...months, at least. I have no idea why some breeds get so bare and why they take so long to fill in.

I've never had a bird do any pecking damage (that I have noticed), but I do know that enough damage can be done so that feathers don't grow back properly. I have an Easter Egger that a hawk attempted to grab. It "missed" her body and grabbed her lovely full tail. Yanked out every single main tail feather in one grab. She got away and ran into the woods while the hawk stood in the yard (amongst a sea of feathers) trying to figure out what went wrong. Three years later, three molts later, and her tail feathers come in every year, but certainly not as full as it was before that incident. Even with brand new (more sparse) tail feathers, her tail always looks a little "ratty". We assume that some of her follicles were damaged (scarred?) from that "yank".
This is my girl Puff, an Ameracauna. She's having a rough molt.

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