Ended Official BYC Contest: Worst Chicken Molt Pictures - Fall / Winter 2011


BYC Staff
17 Years
Dec 26, 2006
California - SF East Bay
My Coop
My Coop

Okay, it's that time of year again where our birds start their metamorphosis into... well, okay, they don't turn into anything, but it sure is interesting to see them go through their molting process and leaving feathers all over the place!

The contest is simple: Post pictures of your birds in the worst part of their molt. Once we're past the molting season our esteemed panel of judges will pick a looser... er... winner!

The winner will receive a free 12 month GFM for themselves or a friend.

The rules are simple too:

1) Must be your chicken
2) Must be a picture taken THIS YEAR, so probably within the last few weeks and over the next couple months (depending on your climate, birds, etc.)

Good luck to you and your ugly... er.. molting chickens!


(here is a example... not an entry because this is from our hen a few years ago)

Contest ends Ends 12/31/2011 !!
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Oh fun- I'm charging my camera right now. My girls are so ugly -they feel sorry for themselves

Looking forward to seeing some of the competition
sorry i dotn have any but my chickens are slow molters so they just leave feather lying around without actually looking like there molting sorry maybe coz there production breeds

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