Ended Official BYC Mini Contest #4 - Show us your talent! Create a work of art

Thanks guys, I especially like the RSL on the lid...it looks exactly like my favorite girl from the FL flock I had to leave behind when we moved. Miss you still Scotty!
Maybe we should split a chick order next spring, Debby - as long as you are the one to make the 8 hour drive to divvy them up!
Maybe we should split a chick order next spring, Debby - as long as you are the one to make the 8 hour drive to divvy them up!

You laugh now, don't tempt me!

(Maybe meet in the middle?)
And I have finished my masterpiece! I didn't think anything would EVER appear on that piece of paper. But first, here's Kendra's. Actually I thought she did a really good job, although it's not an actual entry!

Notice she even put an egg behind her! (She had a little help, making it in preschool for Thanksgiving with her aid's help,and it's supposed to be a turkey, but don't tell her.) She points at it up on the fridge and says, "Chicken" so I figured if she wants it to be a chicken, it's a chicken! Um, I have no idea what the coffin behind the chicken is supposed to represent. Stuffed turkey?

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