Ended Official BYC Mini-Contest Series—What's Your Hobby?

Home made donuts!
I make these all the time for my family and will try to sell them some day 🥰
People think I’m crazy for this…but I love bottle digging. It’s a thing, I swear. Find an old dump site and just start digging. It’s a family hobby, passed down a few generations now. We love to go out into the boonies and find sites where long forgotten towns and outposts used to be. Nothing was made of plastic back then; everything was made of glass and can be found years later. We’ve found old lamps, milk bottles, whiskey bottles, medicine bottles, spice bottles, cups, plates, buttons, marbles, glass dolls, perfume bottles, locks, keys…just to name a few. Treasure hunting essentially!
I enjoy board gaming as a hobby. When I was young, the holidays often involved the adults staying up for hours playing Scrabble, and I'd lay awake next to my sleeping cousins, listening to the silence of the contemplating patriarchs and matriarchs, punctuated by the occasional oohs and ahhs of a well placed letter or the hisses as someone unwittingly opened up the triple word score. I was too young to realize it was geeky to think those games of Scrabble were the coolest things ever, and it felt magical the first time I was deemed old enough to play with the grown-ups. To this day, I have never managed to defeat my mother at Scrabble.
I used to host weekly game nights, and I'd slay two hobbies with one stone by trying out and serving new dishes to our guests. But we lived in the city then, where there's far less to do to fill your days. Now that we're in the country our days are just packed, and I don't have time for hosting frequent game nights. I still play with my family, though, and I've recently started doing something that may seem weird, but it's fun - I've been trying to photograph my animals with my games. I've had varying degrees of success - it's not always easy to convince a goose that what you've put in front of them isn't meant to be chewed!

Horse riding!
What is it that you love about this hobby?
It's an amazing feeling to ride a horse imo
When do you do the Hobby? Once a week although I'm starting volunteering at a stable soon.
What sacrifices do you make to be able to practice your hobby? A lot of money lol
Are you an amateur? An adept? An expert? I'd probably say an adept
Are you lucky enough that this hobby is part of your job/income? No although I hope it to be one day.
This is Thunder one of the first horses I ever rode:

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