Official BYC Poll: What Is Your Least Favorite Thing About Keeping Chickens?

What is your least favorite thing about keeping chickens?

  • Cleaning out poopy bedding.

    Votes: 145 31.3%
  • Preventing picking and overcrowding.

    Votes: 37 8.0%
  • Keeping one step ahead of predators

    Votes: 80 17.3%
  • Coping with illness/parasites.

    Votes: 191 41.3%
  • Refreshing & refilling the feed and water.

    Votes: 32 6.9%
  • Closing your flock up at night and letting them out in the morning.

    Votes: 25 5.4%
  • Dealing with aggressive roosters

    Votes: 45 9.7%
  • Nothing! I love everything about it.

    Votes: 29 6.3%
  • Other (elaborate in a reply below)

    Votes: 68 14.7%
  • Dealing with death in the flock

    Votes: 194 41.9%

  • Total voters
I loathe having to lug water up and down the hill to the coop. Searching for a poly or metal wagon big enough to carry them all at once so I don’t have to do them two at a time. That would make it so much easier!
I was just going to comment this. I find it extra loathsome when it is icy out (now, and for the next 4 months). Spilling water on myself on sub-freezing temperatures while wondering if today is the day I fall and give myself a concussion or break something? I could do without it! I was pondering getting a sled for the water buckets…
I like the chickens and am glad we have them. It is a challenge keeping them safe and healthy. And I like the fresh eggs and most of the time we have enough left over to cover the feed bill.
My "other" vote came from the fact that we have lost several flocks over the years due to predation. I got tired of replacing them and trying to keep them safe. But after a couple years without 'em she wanted to try again. I have built the most secure containment area, "the pen", that i could. This is the last time I will try.The wife (Mrs Lobo )always wants to try again and always says she will help. But I have goats in the same area and they are my sole responsibility. She has always been afraid of the bucks as they act agressively sometimes. They have never caused harm to a person as they are mostly bluff and if time is taken to learn their signs you can always overcome their agressive actions. With that said, the tending of the chickens always falls on my shoulders too, Because I'm there already. Do they have food? do they have water? The pen is muddy and so are the eggs! are comments I get regularly. I get frustrated sometimes.
I know i'm retired now and should have time on my hands to do all the things I "Need" to do but she said she would take care of the birds and rarely does what is needed.
Off My Soapbox
I begged for my chickens and promised my husband I would tend to them. I would feel terrible if I went back on my word. He does help out with things I ask of him, generally related to building or moving heavy things. But I am the sole provider of feed and water and any treatment needed. I’m sorry her chickens have fallen on your shoulders. It’s frustrating when someone wants an animal but don’t handle the responsibility of the care. I feel that way about my teenage daughters cats.
Poop and flies it brings. We clean coop daily and wash down the grass allot. But those darn flies in the summer months can be quite a pain 🥺
First Saturday Lime has been a huge help with poop smell and fly control! A 20lb bag lasts me about 6 weeks for a 30x30 area.
It may seem weird, but I don't mind cleaning the poop, I find it relaxing to rake & scoop poop as I visit my girls. I have a sand-based run and scoop 3x a day (or more), so it stays pretty clean and so do their feet & mine:).

What I hate the most is refilling the waterer in the dead of winter with frozen fingers and toes. Not looking forward to that chore again & thinking I may splurge on another waterer, so I can fill it in the house and just quickly switch them out.
I don’t mind the poop either. I’m getting ready to replace the use of pine shavings in the poop tray to sand which will make it much easier to clean. As for the poop in the run, I just wear muck boots while doing chicken chores and I kick them off outside the door. Water is my biggest pain.m, especially frozen water.
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I don’t mind the poop either. I’m getting ready to replace the use of pine shavings in the poop tray to sand which will make it much easier to clean. As for the poop in the run, I just wear muck boots while doing chicken chores and I kick them off outside the door. Water is my biggest pain.m, especially frozen water.
I use PDZ on the coop floor (no poop trays) and love it. It's much lighter than sand and dries the poop out for easy, clean scooping. It stays fresh smelling without ever changing it out. I just scoop it clean each morning and add more as needed to replenish what gets scooped away.
I have a love/hate relationship with broody hens. Had 4 at one time. One mutt and three bar rocks. Mutt was old. BR were 40 or so weeks old. All had successful hatches. Got tired of juggling broody chickens so sold the mutt and 2 bar rocks. The day they left I had another go broody. Week after that another.

So I have 3 known broody bar rocks. Praying my 40 week old RIR pullets don’t get any grand ideas.
I chose "other" cause I hate not getting to spend more time with the chickens! It is so peaceful and relaxing to just sit out there with em in the run and just breathe.
Grandbaby boom and daycare shortages so Gamma to the rescue means chickens get much less time...or rather I get much less time lol.

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