Nov 29, 2017
Beautiful Jersey Shore Area
One of my lead hens .... was very entertaining this morning. She periodically kept running back and forth from the yard to the coop house. I am pretty sure she is one of my best layers....lays an egg everyday. What is she doing? Checking on things in the coop house? Getting out of the cold blustery windy day? She is really healthy and well adjusted..... and Im not overly concerned....just wondering what is SHE DOING? LOL Oh Behave! OH BEHAVE.jpg

Thanks G2B out!
She might be feeling some broody spurts!

I have a 2.5 yr old, Black Ameruacana, she is the boss lady of the flock. Not broody at all, her sister was (R.I.P. Inky). But, within the last 2 months she has been displaying similar behavior. In the afternoon, I let them out to forage. She goes out, then runs back to the coop, her egg has already been laid. The other day she started going into the nest box to see if her egg was still there. I was cleaning up around the run, so I poked my head in to check on her. There she was sitting on the egg! I said, "Taji, it's OK...I won't take your egg." Then, she got up and ran back with the flock, and continued to forage the rest of the afternoon. Of course I quietly took the egg that evening. He-he-he.

So, I think they do have some hormonal surges every now and then, that cause these behaviors. Do I want to sit on my egg? Yes, No, Maybe? :confused:

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