Oh my gosh! Are these roosters? Speckled Sussex


10 Years
Mar 20, 2013
This is Charlotte and Cocoa. Well, it might be Charles and Cody?? I just assumed they were hens, as all my chicks were bought sexed, and it never entered my mind. But the wattles on Charlotte! And she’s HUGE. And they both have really long neck feathers. What are they? I raised them with all my other chicks, and they all get along and love being petted and loved and spoiled, in fact they come running when I come out and gather around my feet… but I think I heard Charlotte crowing! And I saw her trying to jump on the back of another hen. They basically look the same, but Charlotte is bigger, has bigger comb and wattles than Cocoa, but with same long neck feathers and same tail feathers. Neither of them look like the short neck feather speckled Sussex hens I am seeing online. They are all 4 months old and I’m getting eggs, but maybe not from them??


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SS hens have large wattles and combs. What you're looking for in a cockerel are slender neck feathers and saddle feathers and curved sickle feather shooting out of the tail. I'll leave it to others with far better eye sight to determine whether all those pics are hens or not.
Man I am seriously bummed! I don’t know how I didn’t notice this before. I just didn’t look because I assumed they were all hens. Btw the white is not a roo, she’s an amberlink, definitely laying, and sweet as pie! Having never had roosters, I didn’t know they’d act just like hens. These speckled Sussex do everything the hens do, lay down and take dust baths and perch on their little logs, and they are neither of them the head of the flock. They take off running when the boss hen appears. They act like little girls. But I am definitely seeing the long neck feathers and some saddle feathers.

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